Voting is open for Milbloggies (Scroll for newer posts)

| April 25, 2011

Note: I’m keeping this at the top of the blog until voting ends Thursday, so scroll for newer posts.

The folks at have opened voting for the best Military blogs. We’ve been nominated for the third time, I think. Last year we came in 2d behind Blackfive, who, strangely enough, wasn’t nominated this year in the Veteran Blog category. But, if you’d be kind enough, we’d like your vote, but mostly we’d like to see you vote for anyone. it’s your votes that keep us blogging (it’s not the money, that’s for sure).

Please take the time to vote in each category so we know you’re out there and that you care enough to support all of us in this unique class of blogging.

There, did I sound humble enough?

Anyway, the link to the vote process is here. Thank you.

Category: Politics

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Done and remember the Chicago motto, vote early and vote often!

Southern Class

Just did my voting, and came back here to click on some ads so Jonn can fill his beer box again.

Andy FMF

You got my vote.

Parachute Cutie

I’m poised to vote just as soon as the bottle of scotch arrives. 🙂


You have my vote!
I, too am a finalistin the U.S. Military Parent category! It is an amazing honor!
Thank you for all your support of our Troops!

Old Trooper

Just took care of my voting. Good luck to all.


My vote is in. Best of luck!

Laughing Wolf

Voted! For you and for Susan Katz Keating in reporter category. On the others, I plead the fifth and additional votes can be had for a fifth (or more) of good scotch…