Islamic extremists campaigning for Democrats

| October 21, 2006

75 US troops have been killed this month so far. The average has been 70/month since the US attacked the Hussein government in 2003. US and Iraqi troops are prying al Qa’eda combatants from nooks and cranies in Baghdad. The Iraqi town of Amarah briefly fell into the hands of Shi-ite militia combatants yesterday - just a few miles from the border with Iran. That pudgy butterball with a novelty beard glued to his face al-Sadr is kicking up dust again. You have to ask yourself why this upswing all of a sudden?

Easy answer – the Iranian government (the real enemy here) want to influence our elections. They want it to look as if the Republican Administration is losing the war. They want the Democrats to win the election, so the Iranians will win in their Islamic Revolution in Iraq. It’s the reason they launched missiles against Israel this year, its the reason Kim Jong-Il test-launched his sorry excuses for missiles and faked his nuclear explosion (I’m still convinced it was just a “dirty bomb” -type explosion). It’s the reason Hugo Chavez has been shooting off his big mouth lately – again.

The enemies of this country, the enemies of our way-of-life and our relative tranquil existence know that they can defeat us only if Democrats have a say in our foreign policy. They saw what happened after Tet ’68 when the Viet Cong were reduced to the combat effectiveness of an understrength Boy Scout troop, yet they chased the world’s greatest Superpower from the continent.

Our enemies saw a crude crowd in loincloths with little more than peashooters chase us from Somalia. They saw the crowds of Haitian teenagers chase our Navy from their port by simply waving their cane knives and machetes at the sea.

And Democrats are more than willing to offer them peace at any cost. Not peace for Americans, by any measure, but rather peace for the enemies of freedom. In my 51 years, I’ve learned that the solution to any problem that seems the easiest, is always the wrong solution. The solution that always seems the most difficult, the one that requires the most investment of time, money and labor from me always has the longest lasting favorable effect.

Cutting and running is an emotional response, and it’s a short term solution. If Americans put Democrats in charge of the House and Senate next month, it will be a cheap, emotional response to a complex problem. The same kind of cheap, emotional responses that have gotten us wrapped up in this war against islamic extremists in the first place. And it will only lead to greater, more expensive confrontation in the future.

Category: Politics, Terror War

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