Dems “appalled” that Reps protect “Secret” information

| October 20, 2006

Peter Hoekstra, R-M, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has suspended an as yet unknown Democrats staffer on the suspicion that he/she released the “Secret” classified document to the New York Times. Of course, the al Qa’eda wing of the Democrats party is outraged. California’s Jane Harmon, ranking Democrat on the Committee wrote Hoekstra that she’s “appalled” that Hoekstra would not allow the staffer near classified information while an investigation continues.

Doesn’t this just sound like Democrats? They want to close down the Guantanmo Bay detention facility because someone spreads some rumors that our troops are being mean to thugs and murderers (prompting Senator Dick Durbin to compare our troops to SS concentration camp guards).

They’re more upset at Reservists pointing at gentalia in Abu Garaib than they are upset at thugs and murderers cutting off the gentalia of our troops when they fall into the hands of our enemies.

They don’t want intelligence agents to listen to the phonecalls of people who call from the US to known terrorists’ phone numbers.

And now they don’t want a suspicious staffer to have his access to classified intelligence curtailed while he’s being investigated.

What exactly will Democrats let us do to protect our National Security?

Category: Politics, Terror War

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