Tuesdays with Claymore

| April 12, 2011



Chamber of Commerce…now in 7.62mm.

Freight train intercourse.

Birthing doubts.

Techno klan.

Trump is a has-been, but uneployed d’bag DU posters are clearly

King me.

Translation please? I have no effin’ clue what this retard is talking about.

All fail, all the time.

Taxing my nerves.

Scaring granny…Democrat tactics 101:

Marx my words…

Epic flail.

Northern exposure.

“That’s it…I’m leaving!” Part 43302:

Brown bagging it.

A billion here, a billion there, soon we’re talking about serious money.

How’s that Alpo taste, gramps?

Legend in his own mind.

Yeah, like where are you going to go, you commie shitheel?

Can teleprompters blink?

Well, at least this one is honest enough to admit it.

Aborting the church service.

Zero, my hero.

Burka is the new black.

Double trouble at the Puzzle Palace?

Bradley Infant-whine Vehicle.

Adding up the change.

You know, I’m looking at this picture and thinking, don’t you have to have a chance at actually getting pregnant in order to have an abortion?

Ten bucks just doesn’t buy as much Hope as it used to.

Wait…Sgt. Santiago? Isn’t that Latino? That makes this chick a lying racist. Sorry babe, those are the rules as dictated by the left. Enjoy your ticket.

Trumped up.

Wow…that was a real nail biter there for a moment.

Bears shitting in woods.

Bush’s fault…oh and Cheney too….and racists in the South…did we forget anyone? Oh yeah, KKKarl Rove.

Yeah, well you may have won this one…and the one before that…and the other one…and the one the other day…and two or three a few weeks ago…but that’s IT!

Is your kid’s lunch state approved?

“When I heard South Korea was gun-free, images of relocating there danced in my mind”

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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You know, I think I may have actually exceeded my own ability to stomach this shit today…that last link especially.