Tuesdays with Claymore
Claymore reports that “all is not well in DUland”
WWII, brought to you by the letters ‘DU’.
Dealing in absolutes is absolutely stupid.
Making friends by being a pussy.
I think, therefore I don’t do jack shit until forced to.
Limey beats lesbian…tune into CNN for details.
Libya is not Iraq…stop saying that or people might hear!
They were for it before they were against it and now for it again.
Lt. Harry Potter, reporting for duty, President Muggle.
Shipping out on the S.S. DUmbass.
And I thought Alex Jones was batshit, effin’ nuts.
Holding signs = deep political meaning
Selective service, liberal style.
As opposed to the “let’s wait and see what happens” doctrine?
Are you fucking kidding me? Not an ideologue?
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore