Rice, Clinton, Power; women go to war
Susan Rice the US ambassador to the UN has already suggested this morning to ABC News that the US may give small arms to the Libyan rebels;
Speaking a day after President Barack Obama defended his Libya strategy in a televised address, Rice said Gaddafi has shown no sign of leaving power without continued pressure from Western powers that have imposed a no-fly zone over Libya and used air strikes to constrain his ground forces.
“Over the long term, as the president said, there are other things that are at our disposal that perhaps will assist in speeding Gaddafi’s exit,” she told CBS’s “The Early Show” as part of a series of TV interviews.
She also didn’t rule out that the coalition might offer Gaddafi a “safe haven”
“The expectation, both of the Libyan people and the international community is that there needs to be justice for the crimes that are committed,” she said. “But obviously should there be an opportunity for some sort of arrangement for Gadhafi to step aside that is something the Libyan people will have to judge and we will take it as it comes.”
Yeah, I think that was the reason the Iranians took US hostages, because we gave the shah a safe haven on Contadora Island in Panama.
Speaking of Rice, Salon speculates that Obama was “pussy whipped” into war by Rice, Clinton and Samantha Power.
Of course, it’s the typical female reaction to some of the peaceniks who are flustered because they’d always thought having women in power would mean we’d be less likely to go to war;
“We’d like to think that women in power would somehow be less prowar, but in the Obama administration at least it appears that the bellicosity is worst among Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power,” writes Robert Dreyfuss at the Nation blog.
I don’t know why men are surprised that women out-pro-war men. Every time
a woman takes a job that was formerly a man’s job, they get tougher, act meaner because they have to be to prove themselves. So why is everyone so surprised in case?
Heather Michon, the author of the Salon piece writes;
First, it’s not like Clinton, Rice and Power walked into the Oval Office, batted their eyes, and asked the president to pretty-please attack that mean old Mr. Gadhafi. Nor did they march in and grab him by the scruff and order him to launch the damn Tomahawks already.
No, they did their jobs, publicly towing the administration line while working behind the scenes to sharpen their arguments and marshal their resources. In the end, Clinton swung key Arab players to their side and Rice got a 10-5 vote through the U.N. Security Council.
Yeah, Condeleeza Rice did much the same and fought the US Left at the same time. But, I didn’t see Salon come out and support her like this.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War
Ladies, meet my little friend, The Greyhound!
Those bumps you hear are not an exercise in misogyny, but the joy-filled splatter of top cover being created.
Osama bin Laden, our ally in the liberation of Libya, is delighted. Saves him the time of stoning them.
Being henpecked would explain why there aren’t any attractive women in the Obama administration…
never heard of henpecked before. But it is kinda a sign that the POTUS isn’t in control.
I doubt Maggie Thatcher was meaner or tougher because she was the first female PM of Britain. She was just TOUGH.
WOMEN rule the world peeps, hate to break the great news to you womenizers!