Vets Today; Lunacy’s finest hour
“Captain” Eric May, who we first wrote about a year ago, writes in Veterans Today that the earthquakes in Burma (or Myanmar) were the direct result of “tectonic warfare” directed by the space shuttle Challenger.
For the second time in the last four years, the training scenario of an in-progress, high-level U.S. disaster drill has actually occurred in Myanmar, the Indochina rice bowl that has irked international investors with its anti-globalist economic policies.
Three researchers sent me emails yesterday, the sum of which is that the former Burma probably suffered a punitive geowar attack. I render them to my reader with this earnest counsel:
They who caused Mayanmar’s mayhem have planned National Level Exercise 2011 for mid-May. At its core is a catastrophic U.S. earthquake.
How they love their “false flags”;
Moret suggests that Space Shuttle Discovery was a forward observer for a HAARP attack on Japan. I wonder whether she read your False Flag Space Shuttle, posted in February, in which you gave an early warning that the shuttle might target nuclear reactors.
HAARP, of course is the US top secret weather weapon that apparently causes earthquakes which have nothing to do with weather…so I don’t know how the hell Karl Rove can use it to create tsunamis and “tectonic warfare”. Everyone knows how the US will actually fire their weather weapons at unsuspecting third world shitholes in an exercise. And how we need a forward observer in the Space Shuttle to find Myanmar, cuz without a forward observer, how would we know to hit a place that big with our Space Shuttle Death Star. A place we can find on any grade school textbook map.
When a commenter posits that the Myanmar earthquake was caused by extracting oil from shale, May immediately calls him a heretic and they assemble the pitchfork brigades because he has no proof it was the result of oil extraction. But they don’t need proof of a weather death star. And apparently it’s all because of the world’s rice supply.
Thanks to TSO for the link.
Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos
I read an article awhile ago that indicated some kind of device was being developed, using sound, that would safely trigger snow avalanche. Currently, small explosive charges are used, and they can be difficult to manage. The idea, of course, is to trigger unstable snow fields so that skiers and snowmobile enthusiasts don’t. Since reading that article, I haven’t heard any more about this research.
PN – check out OzzFest. Great place for sound research.
Thanks, DaveO. And as far as the nonsense above…anything that could produce a sound wave that would shift a tectonic plate would kill anything above it stone-dead, so the sound scientists would be wasting their time on the tectonic plate if their intention was to “punish” someone sitting on top of it.
Did ya all know that there is ALSO an Expanding Earth crowd out there?
Caveat: I am official paranoid, but there is Bizzaro Crap even I won’t buy.
Expanding Earth? Pfft. I’ve been a member of the Stop Continental Drift Society since high school.
But, in time, we’ll just move on to another world:
PN –
Ancient astronauts = cool. Currently reading Burroughs’s “Gods of Mars.” John Carter rocks!
I’ll have to check that out, DaveO. I need some new reading material, and I haven’t read a good Sci-Fi novel in awhile.
If you’re looking for something a little different PN, try David Drake’s ‘Ranks of Bronze’.
Drake’s ‘Hammer’s Slammers’ is my all time favorite military si-fi book. Love his stuff.
I’m making notes on all of these! Thanks!!
Ooops, that last one was me.
the US top secret weather weapon that apparently causes earthquakes
Tractor beams. I recall one of those “Star Trek: the Next Generation” documentaries that mentioned it.
Sheesh! If these guys would only consult the Duffster, he would tell them about the Mossad plan to kill rice harvests worldwide, and then only Israel will grow rice and hoard it for themselves. We know that only the Mossad could pull something this big off.
Also, they may want to consult with the fella that has the CIA refrigerator. He probably has some input for them.
Then to get with Jesse Ventura to get it all tied together.
This is big stuff people. Watch your back, your head, your neck, your…………
When I attempted to research “Geowar” I came across multiple sites for “World of War” video/computer games. I think someone’s trying to drum up business…or Eric May needs to take a break from his computer!
‘False flag space shuttles targeting nuclear facilities.’
Eat your hearts out Orson Welles and H.G. Wells!
It’s like every single person who writes for VT is the living embodiment of Mel Gibson’s character in “Conspiracy Theory.”
Everything is a conspiracy. If there is a fact that disproves the conspiracy, it’s just been arranged by the perpetrators of the conspiracy.
@ #16 Scott – Think Communist hard liners had the long held belief, “In order to have a conspiracy, you must have a theory” or something along that line.
I see many posts about this group on your page and I was wondering who in the blue hell are they? Are they Vietnam Vets Against the War but for Iraq? Sorry I know I m asking a dumb question, but I hear about these people in the news… Are they legit vets or these chicken shit mother fuckers who are pissed off because they had to go to Iraq vice sitting on their ass playing the waiting game to go to college?
@Who R, Brother you pretty much answered your own question. The only thing you left out was that most of them are Socialists also. Very few legitimate Iraq vets in the ranks and on thier board of directors.
Hey, they may be batshit crazy, but it is more entertaining than Trump spouting off about Nobama’s birth certificate.
#18 Who R IVAW? Like Dirty Al sez, you got it right. And additionally, they have, for a poster child, a drug addicted, Rapist, POS, who is doing his damnedest to screw over a very respectable family name. They can exaggerate better than the biggest of story stretchers, making a showing of 4 of them be a “large force”.
Thanks for asking.
Wow, for an organization to be named, “Iraq Veterans Against the War” and to have more non-Iraq vets among it’s ranks is really hilarious! OMG are you serious?! That is like the KKK having more black members than white members LOL (No offense to any black people that read this it is an example).
I googled that Org and they seem to be more worried about making money for themselves than “fighting for the cause” they claim to be justified in fighting for. It is truly pathetic that American troops have to deal with this kind of lunacy, and honestly these jokes in IVAW are just making people not respect them even more. Do any of you know the members of IVAW? I am sure there are good people in the group (that have been misled) but I only seem to see the douche bags of that org in the spot light. Am I wrong here?