The “white lie” journalists

| March 28, 2011

The latest half-assed defense of liars comes from Forbes’ Kai Falkenberg, their Editorial Counsel in a column she titles “Liars Rejoice! The First Amendment Protects You” where she says;

On July 23, 2007, Xavier Alvarez, a director of the Three Valley Water District Board of Directors, introduced himself at a board meeting by saying: “I’m a retired marine of 25 years. I retired in the year 2001. Back in 1987, I was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. I got wounded many times by the same guy. I’m still around.” Each of these statements — with the exception of “I’m still around” — was a lie. Alvarez was indicted and convicted under the 2005 federal Stolen Valor Act for falsely claiming that he had been awarded the Medal of Honor (the nation’s highest military honor).

Falkenburg concludes;

If protecting free speech requires that we tolerate tall tales, that in the scheme of things, seems a small price to pay.

I wonder if she noticed that Alvarez made his statement in an attempt to win votes for his political office. That he was defrauding voters, just like Rick Strandlof was defrauding voters when he used his Rick Duncan personae to influence people to vote for anti-war candidates. Of course, Strandlof/Duncan was backing Democrat candidates, so in her mind it was probably justified. Just like Richard Blumenthal was forgiven for his lies about his Vietnam service while he apologized with another phony Marine standing right behind him.

Everyone wants to sound so smart by announcing that they’re willing to accept some lies about military service to defend the First Amendment, but whose freedom is being intruded upon? The voters. is it any wonder that people have little faith in our government when we can’t stop voters from being influenced by dishonest vote thieves who hide behind the shield of the First Amendment to continue their dishonesty and election theft?

Republicans are attacked for their military service (Dan Quayle, George W. Bush) and Democrats are allowed to completely lie about their service. Doug Sterner is right when he says that party affiliation has nothing to do with stolen valor, but it’s used to exonerate phony soldiers. Anyone have any doubt that culture warrior Michal McManus will walk free as a victim of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell even though he was booted from military service six years before DADT?

Even Jesse MacBeth was walking around a free man after perpetrating a huge fraud on the American public until he decided to defraud the VA.

Yet George Bush is still thought to have been AWOL because a bunch of dimwits don;t understand what “not observed” means on an OER. And Dan Quayle was dodging the draft by hiding out in the National Guard (101 National Guardsmen and 1300 Reservists were killed in Vietnam).

Category: Media, Phony soldiers

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I’m sure she would fine with her dentist saying that “it won’t hurt,” …but finding out he lied about his credentials and isn’t a dentist at all might be a bit bothersome.


All this BS about lying being okay is leading up to something. Maybe a birther hosanna, or just an admission that the POTUS is an empty suit. Why else go to such lengths to excuse what anyone with any moral training knows to be inexcusable?

BTW, the woman from the Burger King beatdown? Charged with lying to the local polizei.


Probably laying the groundwork for the hatchet-job Rolling Stone is getting ready to roll out against the military. It’s already starting to appear on MSN.


PN – the “Kill Team” zombie?


Yes, that’s one of the stories I was referring to.


I made it through 6 comments and 1 page of the Kill Team story before having violent urges.

Lent is totally shot for me.



I do Lent-lite: I gave up giving up. It’s too expensive to afford having a vice anyway.

PN – thanks!


Yeah, I just gave up cussing and negative thoughts this year. I think I shot myself in the foot with that one.


You’re made of sterner stuff than I am, ROS. I only did about two paragraphs before I quit reading. I’m already getting sideways looks for my TAH-fueled outbursts (both laughter and fury) in the office…I figured I better quit while I was ahead.

And as far as Lent goes…ugh. Lately, I’ve just added some Hail Mary’s and called it good.


But stopping lying to voters is such a slippery slope! The precedent it sets makes every politician nervous. Oh sure, now its just about military service and credentials, but next it will be education, political philosophy, or birth certificates…where will it end? [/sarc]