The inevitable “OutServe”

| March 28, 2011

CNN announces the possible launch of the OutServe magazine. Yes, it means what you think it means;

A magazine designed for and by gay military members may soon be displayed at military installations worldwide, an advocacy group announced Monday.

“Our first objective with the magazine is to let all the gay, lesbian, bi, and trans members currently serving know that they are not alone,” an active-duty officer who goes by the pseudonym JD Smith said in a statement.

Yes, I’m sure they don’t know already that they’re not alone, what with examples of every variation of the lifestyle chained to the White House fence.

I propose that someone come up with a competing magazine for the straight soldier, call it “InServe” and see if it can get on magazine shelves in the PX.

Thanks to jerry920 for the link.

Category: Military issues

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“We are not about highlighting our differences.” Smith said the goal of the publication is to demonstrate “how LGBT troops are proud soldiers, sailors, airmen, Coasties, and Marines just like everyone else.”

Um….your going to have your own friggen magazine. How many gays are going to feel comfortable buying this at the PX. What a mess.


OutServe magazine…soon to grace the front seats of Jeep Wranglers all across the nation!


Nah, actually Subaru Outbacks are the official “Gheymobile.”

And if/when DADT or an outright gay ban comes back, how’s that gonna work?


@3: Plain brown paper wrapper, I’d imagine! 🙂


Pay website. With a dot gov extension.


When does it’s offshoot Goatserve and a NAMBLAUSA chapter open?


“We are not about highlighting our differences.”

Since they’re lying about that, what else are they lying about?

That is PRECISELY what this rag does and will do… because they see themselves as members of the “victim class.”

We are going to rue the day we stupidly caved in and put politics ahead of the mission. Again.

Blood will be spilled because of it.


I don’t predict the magazine will last long.

First, all print publications are in deep doo-doo. Second, such a narrow demographic doesn’t bode well.

But now we know what we always suspected–they don’t simply want to serve just like everyone else. They want to be noticed for their sexuality, to make it an issue, to speak loudly and proudly about it.


“GoatServe” ??? Isn’t that the Navy CPO website?


“trans” are not authorized, they should know that…


I’m torn between the sneaking suspicion that a magazine in the PX centered around sexuality in the military is not a great idea and my really not caring.

Old Trooper

Sparky in #3; nope, the Subaru has been replaced by the Prius. When one goes by you on the road, it says “IIIIIIIII’m ghey”.


Well……looks like the kids won’t be coming with me to the PX soon.


An active duty officer with a pseudonym? Really? I thought the world was skittles and unicorn fairies, er, farts, with the repeal of DADT. Yet, this guy/gal/tranny sees the need to hide behind a phony name.
And, Ben hit it out of the park. It’s not, and never has been, about their service. It’s about gays serving openly.


How about “StraightServe,” Jonn? 🙂


I was at the vet center recently when I noticed a poster on the wall. It said “Gracias”, and there was a picture of four or five Hispanic servicemembers in various uniforms–Army, Navy, etc. Under that, it said (I’m paraphrasing): “We would like to thank all of our Latino veterans”.

I suppose the poster wasn’t such a huge deal, but it was an example of the racial seperatism that I don’t care much for. No such poster for our “Anglo veterans”, of course. Only for the Hispanics. (I’ve seen similar posters for women veterans.)

I remember thinking to myself, ‘After DADT bites the dust, are we going to have special posters just for our LGBTQXYZ veterans?’ What are those going to look like? Rainbows and pink triangle? Guys with OD-green purses? Boys in uniform holding hands?

It’s about establishing themselves as a victim class. Once they’ve done that, they never give it up. IT IS ABOUT HIGHLIGHTING THEIR DIFFERENCES. It’s about highlighting them and shoving them in your face, seeking out anyone who might have moral objections and forcing that person to change. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.

B Woodman

I wonder how loudly the ghey DADT community would scream if someone (anyone) started a straight magazine (thanks for the feed, Jonn. “Inserve” – great name) aimed at, for, and by the hetero soldier, showing off themselves and their OPPOSITE-gender spouses in military post settings?

And Ben (#16), you’re right. It’s NEVER been about assimilating, blending in quietly. It’s ALWAYS been about the loud and proud and in-your-face.
I can see the next step — suing churches / religion for discrimination.

Mr Wolf

Will they have Cut and Un-Cut versions?

I mean, preference is everything…


Let’s not forget the inevitable next steps. First the repeal, then the “diversity” classes (which we’ve already seen) Then the committees to discuss the “under-representation” in Leadership, Combat units, schools, fill-in-the-blanks. Then the quotas as military regulation. Sad.


all this talk about a straight magazine is really funny. um, try every other magazine on the rack. As B Woodman described: “Inserve” – great name) aimed at, for, and by the hetero soldier, showing off themselves and their OPPOSITE-gender spouses in military post settings”. Sounds about like all the other magazines. I guess you all don’t notice how much you flaunt your straight sexuality.

Miss Ladybug

Maybe they’re using Daisy Wheel? Heard about it on the radio this morning…

Old Trooper

Well J, that might be because the vast majority of the world is “straight” and that the “homo” population is a very miniscule portion, especially in the military. Now, the main thing with the military is that your service should be first and foremost. There is no room for hyphenated anything in the military. You are a Soldier, Airman, Marine, Sailor, Coastie. Not a “gay” Soldier, Airman, etc. If your service is about being gay first, then you aren’t much of a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, or Coastie.

I love the old line about “well, you heteros flaunt your straightness all the time”; no, that’s just normal behavior as it occurs to the vast majority, but no soldier I ever served with made it a point to identify themselves as a “hetero soldier” when introducing themselves or going before a promotion board, etc. We were soldiers and that’s what should remain.


well since President Obama has also decided that he is the final authority on what is and is not constitutional and has ruled that DOMA is unconstitutional, get ready for your new neighbors in base housing…………


Several folks have hit around one aspect: religion.

Christian, Jewish, and Muslim chaplains will have to set their religions aside. To faithfully observe their faiths, they can not be as accepting as the next joe. Doing so undermines the integrity of their religion, and their service.

There are a number of groups that want our military to have zero chaplains. The repeal of DADT provides the angle with which to get rid of them.



That’s a bridge too far. Chaplains serve plenty of service members who hold beliefs and conduct themselves in a manner contrary to tenets of that Chaplin’s faith.


Old Trooper: precisely. Saying it isn’t flaunting just because the majority is straight is a retarded argument. It’s still flaunting. You say “There is no room for hyphenated anything in the military. You are a Soldier, Airman, Marine, Sailor, Coastie. Not a ‘gay'”. Tell that to every one of those LGB’s straight peers who talks about the chics they were with that weekend, etc… personal life ALWAYS gets talked about – probably more than anything else! Being gay and in the military is huge struggle … quit being a jerk about it. And to answer some of the other misguided comments above: it’s primarily a digital mag, so no, I don’t think it’s going away any time soon, and no, they weren’t lying about saying “it’s not about highlighting their differences.” The purpose of the mag, in their words, is to educate straight people about what their LGB peers are doing – how they contribute to the fight, where they are risking their lives, trying to break down the perception that gay people are so different from and deserve unequal treatment from straight service members.