CPT Eric Holmes May; Crackpot

| February 25, 2010

Have you ever wondered how really nutty the Left is? I mean, as soon as you think you’ve found the nuttiest, another pops up. That’s pretty much my day-to-day life. But this one, this Eric Holmes May, well he’s going to be tough to beat. He has a group of other crackpots and they call themselves “The Ghost Troop” and their self-appointed job is to uncover ridiculous theories and manufacture “proof” for these theories.

For example, they’ve proved that Jesse MacBeth was framed. May talks about it in this interview at Dissident Voices (one of the outlets for MacBeth’s fairy tales);

In a word, yes. Jesse Macbeth is a perfect example of a crucial dissident voice who had both courage and a vital message. An Arab-American radio show host, Dr. Hesham Tillawi of Arab Voices asked me to review the Macbeth tape just before the swiftboat attacks began, and it seemed absolutely credible to me, a veteran of four decades of military service. Macbeth was specific in terminology, tactics and training. He was also specific about Middle East geography, lifestyle, habits and attitude. There had already been two local Arizona mainstream media stories about him — neither previously challenged — as a war veteran. He had already been drawing benefits from the Veterans Administration without difficulty, meaning that the military considered him much more than a training washout, the story with which they later attacked him.

When Iraq Veterans Against the War failed to support him, it was because an IVAW administrator, Amanda Braxton, a lifelong civilian, had been buffaloed by the best swiftboating attack since the presidential election of 2004. It was led by men whose records in special operations, propaganda and Republican war rallying made them seem more like mercenaries than media. When I interviewed Braxton, and she admitted that she had been frightened into turning on Macbeth. Further, she mentioned that his IVAW cohorts had never doubted that he was a war veteran. This was the best evidence of all that he was on the level.

Given my familiarity with the military system, I made calls all the way to the top level of the Army requesting confirmation from the official record supporting swiftboater claims that Macbeth had never seen the war — and found that the Army was trying to dodge any comment about him. Yes, Macbeth was swiftboated because his message was that we were using SS-style tactics against Middle Eastern Muslims — something the Middle East is well aware of. The alternative media chickened out on a crucial story, allowing the mainstream media and political establishment to cover it up. I wrote an article about it before moving on to other critical stories….

Now, that’s the most ridiculous claim ever, right? Even MacBeth admitted that he only served 43 days in the Army, and his DD214 supports that. In fact, we suspect Amadee Braxton of forging MacBeth’s DD214. If she didn’t do it, she knows who did it. And I’d like the names of the gullible yahoos who thought macBeth was a war veteran. I saw the holes in his story from a mile away. Anyone could if they wanted to see the holes.

I found this ridiculous trash written by Eric May to “prove” MacBeth was telling the truth;

Item 4: Rank is given as CPL (or corporal); this is consistent with the rank for someone with the length of service (over two years) claimed by MacBeth. It is inconsistent with the anti-MacBeth story that he was a basic training washout.

Item 8a: MacBeth’s last unit of assignment is given as a basic combat training unit in Ft. Benning, which is where the story that he was a basic training washout probably started. It is unlikely that he was assigned there as a trainee, as the DD-214’s issuance (see above) presupposes that he spent three months in the service at a minimum. It is possible that he was assigned as an instructor after returning from Iraq, or attached there while convalescing from wounds he said he received in Iraq (and confirmed by the DD-213, below).

Item 11: His military specialties are given as infantry and Ranger, which is consistent with the story he has given journalists since 2003. There is a misspelled word “qualifyed” (sic) in the block, which isn’t unusual in military paperwork.

Item 12 has been heavily redacted, but appears to show an service entry date of May 1, 2001, and a separation date of June 13, 2004, which would give a total net active service of 3 years, 1 month and 13 days. The effective date of his pay grade (given as E-4 in item 4) appears to be May 1, 2003. Again, this area is hard to read, but the dates I extract from it are consistent with the service details MacBeth claims, and completely inconsistent with the story that MacBeth was a basic training washout.

Item 13 states that MacBeth is authorized to wear a Ranger tab and a purple heart for being wounded. This is consistent with the claim in the article by the Eastern Arizona Courier about MacBeth’s service, written by reporter Pam Crandall: http://arizona.indymedia.org/print.php?id=17198

Item 25 is consistent with the Courier story, as it states that MacBeth received a Chapter 11 early discharge, and Item 28 follows up by stating that the discharge was medical, and related to PTSD (or post-traumatic stress disorder). Needless to say, PTSD discharges refer to soldiers who saw action in war, not washouts who didn’t make it through basic training.

In his video [MacBeth] appears to me to be a resolved, committed soldier, turned against the abuses not only committed by his Army, but inflicted upon his Army. I think he is equal to the job of truthtelling, a hard and hazardous vocation, and I think that what he has said so far is grounded in truth….

Here’s MacBeth’s actual DD214 and the forged DD214 – guess which is which and those of you with military service longer than 43 days judge May’s defense;

But to May, because he liked what MacBeth said, well, that makes MacBeth truthful. In other communications I’ve found from May, he compares MacBeth favorably to John Kerry and calls him a valuable whistleblower. He chastizes the Left for tossing MacBeth under the bus.

Oh, and that 4 decades of military service that May claims he has, well our buddies at POW Net say thats a lie. he was enlisted from 1977 – 1980. He was commissioned through ROTC in 1983 and was booted in 1994 because he couldn’t make major. Some comments on his OER; “Never gained respect of subordinates or peers.” “Did not accept responsibility for his actions or the results he produced.” That explains why everyone he called in the Army wouldn’t give him any comments – he was an immature jerk.

Here’s his Form 2-1 courtesy of POW Net;


But see that’s not his most ridiculous claim. Remember Baghdad Bob on the roof of the hotel in Baghdad telling us that the Americans were about to meet a horrendous fate? That leads to May’s crowning glory – BOBCUP – the Battle of Baghdad Cover Up.

When the Battle of Baghdad occurred, I was at home in Texas, my active duty military days behind me, watching events on CNN. At that point I knew that something catastrophic had happened in Saddam International Airport, but I had no idea that it was something nuclear. Over the next couple of years I received many reports from both Arab and Western witnesses that we had used a neutron warhead. It wasn’t until I reached the anti-war Camp Casey outside George W. Bush’s Texas headquarters in Crawford in 2005 that I spoke with numerous witnesses together. They included Army and Marine veterans of the Battle of Baghdad, Arab witnesses and journalists. All their accounts, taken together, convinced me that the neutron warhead was employed.

Yup, George Bush used a neutron bomb on Baghdad – and no one noticed except Captain Eric. From his living room in Texas. And his theory is substantiated by interviewing those truthful Arabs and truthful anti-war activists who all happened to be at Cindy Sheehan’s Camp Casey in Crawford.

How does he remember to breath?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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B Woodman

“Just because you say it, I know you’re truthful and I believe you.”

In the immortal words:
“What a maroon.”
“What a gull-a-bull.”

Holy shit on a stick! Those two need to get room together.

Army Sergeant

I see we get the same google alerts.


Wait until this genius finds out that Cheney called down Order 66 and all the Jedi in Kabul were exterminated with extreme prejudice.


Is he in IVAW AS?
One of the 17 million strong members?

Army Sergeant

No, and please don’t try to recruit him just to make my brain fry.


Considering I was part of the unit that cleared the Saddam Intl main terminal I guess I should be checked for radiation sickness. I wake most mornings with a dry mouth and don’t feel right until after the morning pot of coffee. Then again, that is probably the nightly beer session. As my memory is dusty in terms of dates, I’ll quote John Laurence: “CHARLIE COMPANY is allowed to sleep late the next morning, April 5, an hour or so past sunrise. Later, the whole battalion begins the work it has been brought all this way to do–to search, clear, and secure the airport buildings without demolishing them. Higher headquarters has decided the airport will house a military and civilian authority that will rule Iraq after the war. Light-infantry troops are better trained and equipped to do the job than the mechanized infantry now blasting its way into downtown Baghdad. Exploring the basement of one of the passenger terminals, soldiers from 2nd Platoon break down a locked door that leads to a secret underground tunnel with a well-paved road that stretches more than a mile to a presidential palace. Saddam’s escape route, thinks Captain Teutsch. Second Platoon also finds a room full of liquor in the terminal but is ordered not to touch any of it–not one bottle, not even a sip–and 2nd Platoon obeys. The company leaves the main terminal the following day and trucks to an area a short distance to the northeast of the airport. Getting close to their destination, the troops see buildings completely flattened, smoke rising from the rubble, the streets covered with debris. Artillery booms in the distance. A scrawny stray cat scavenges for something to eat.” Read more: http://www.esquire.com/features/the-essay/ESQ0803-AUG_WAR#ixzz0gLJmmV0D It seems this May fellow thinks we used a neutron bomb at the airport on April 5th, 2003 due to 3/7 CAV being run over. We were outside the airport on the evening of the 4th, coming off our fun-filled 27 hour GAC on open LMTVs armored with MOLLE Rucks. It was confusing as hell, made worse by heat exhaustion and exposure, and that… Read more »

Junior AG

Capt. May: “Macbeth was specific in terminology, tactics and training.”

Hmmm… Methinks if “Wendy’s Ranger” Macbeth was asked to issue a 5 paragraph OPORD or make a sand table, he’d collapse sobbing to the ground. Just my opinion.


Anyone who has played 15 mins of Modern Warfare 2 can rattle off “terminology, tactics and training”. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.


He may have been “specific in terminology, tactics, and training,” but he couldn’t even roll his BDU sleeves properly.


Bohica: Let’s not forget that he couldn’t wear the Ranger beret properly, either, in his pic, along with having the wrong flash on said beret.

There was so much wrong with Macbeth that I find it rather sad that another former soldier would come to his defense with such bullshit.


Ok, I’ve been trying to contain myself, over the last few weeks, because I wanted to wait until the time is right, but I will give everyone a little preview of something I have in the works. When I have the details worked out, I will ask Jonn to put it up as a blog post.

We have all been witnessing both the bizarre and absurd, lately, and I think I have a remedy to satisfy all parties. I will need Jonn’s professional assistance to get a few things put together, so it will take just a little longer to get it ready for public consumption.

I’ll keep you all posted.

Old Tanker

Wasn’t MacBusted wearing a black t-shirt under his BDU top too?

Junior AG

“He may have been “specific in terminology, tactics, and training,” but he couldn’t even roll his BDU sleeves properly.”

Yeah, that and the backwards Ranger Tan beret with a 1st SF Group Flash on it kinda activated my bullshit alarm… Plus being a tabbed Ranger & SF with such a short time in service kinda seemed odd…


OT @11 Does it involve tar, feathers and rails?


The conspiracy theories run deep:
“Capt. May was a vibrant, fit man — a martial arts expert — when he began to lead Ghost Troop. He was constantly under threat from the military, the FBI and various national police and intelligence agencies. He was mysteriously stricken with ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, subsequent to his dissidence.”

I wish the man no pain but I can hardly believe Lou Gehrig is a govt hush man who infects people with his disease.


Jonn; is this another candidate for what we’ve been talking about???

nucsnipe; not the tar and feathers treatment, but something that hopefully will put a smile on everyone’s face.


“He was mysteriously stricken with ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, subsequent to his dissidence.”

Because when I want to silence a critic, I always go with a form of death that takes years.

I’m personally now working on a secret program to weaponize the cold virus, so we can annoy critics of the US government for several days out of the year.


“An Arab-American radio show host, Dr. Hesham Tillawi of Arab Voices”

1) This Tillawi is one to really check out. He runs a website named Current Issues (currentissues.tv) and host a TV program on Acadiania Open Channel (AOC)in Lafayette, La. His taxpayer supported program espouses all kinds of anti-American, pro-Palestinean, conspiracy theroies, and is broadcast all over the world to include Al-Jazzera.
2) His real name is thought to be Hesham Mohd
3) He claims to be a “Dr.” but research suggest he only has a mail order degree, if any. His claims of nuclear engineer have also been disputed.
4) There has been some past speculation that Tillawi aka Mohd was a close associate with a federally convicted money laundering muslim. Other speculation is that some deed records suggest there may be ties to some of the first WTC bombing suspects.

Although most readers here probably never watch it, I would suggest that investigation into your local public TV funding be conducted. A lot of cities mandate that their cable sanctioned companies must provide the moneies to operate these media platforms. I definitely believe in the 1st Amendment, but really don’t like to pay for my oposition to use it.


Seriously, we denotaed a tactical nuke and no one noticed? A neutron bomb had about 1/10 the power of a H-bomb, but that is still enough to eradicate the airport and much of the surrounding area. I really hope these kooks are on drugs, because to believe this kind of nonsense without chemically induced stupidity is frightening.


Gary, the beauty of the neutron bomb is that it supposedly leaves buildings intact and only kills us carbon based units, so that when the dust settles, the victors can move in and just vacuum the living room and pop a coldie. Carter thought that it was too cool of a weapon and killed it off, along with many other cool things.


Ok, I went and read some of mr. May’s stuff and this boy is nuttier than a squirrel turd. Why anyone would believe a word he says means there are more nutters out there than I thought was possible.

I’m still chuckling at his tin foil hat, black helicopter, truther stuff, all rolled into a nice neat little package.

Oooops, I better not say anymore, or his “Ghost Troop” of cyberwarriors will be after me.


“BOBCUP”? Wow, these folks are seriously in need of lithium. A “cyber intelligence group”? I’ve got it, Capt May is really Curt, and Joey is the X.O. of this vaunted “cyber intelligence group”.
I’ll be back later, gotta go lock my doors before the darth ninja’s show up to infect me, or set off a mini-neutron bomb outside my door.

Door Kicker

May is a seditious turd. I questioned his influence in a ‘truther ‘ forum.
Nice to see his military record proves he is another poser.

He is a journalist in Texas where survivalists fantasize about being the guy in the movie Tremors who is armed to the max for some kind of last stand.
His work is based on irrational fear mongering and now has the support of LDS white survivalist supremacists. The TEA party is in the thick of it too drawing together a mix of people who threaten to use a bullet box (emptied) to challenge the ballot box.

Texas is the fruitful ground and springboard for his kind of sedition that is based on religious beliefs and constitutional entitlement. They call for revolution; civil war. Slow death is too good for him and his seditious cyber troops. The Patriot Act insures we are not overrun by these freaks and their destructive activities. May is a domestic foe and sedtitious Wack-o.

Eagle II

1st CAV sent in 1st request in 2006/7 for a check and he worked to check May’s shorts.. and here’s Eric: from the Archives of Wannabe’s Discharged, 2xPO for promotion to Major. Offered tour to Bosnia, did not go. Orders for him to go were revoked. Received Letter of Reprimand (LOR) from Major General (2-star) Claude J. Roberts on 22 September 94. Last OER for 931101 through 941031 is very sub-standard. Lists: “Never gained respect of subordinates or peers.” “Did not accept responsibility for his actions or the results he produced.” Performance block is: “Often failed requirements.” Recommendation block is: “Do Not Promote.” Narrative is even more damning, and as I said earlier, I’m not going to copy it.. —————————————————- Here’s input from Gordo (Houston) I have more but he says it all very well… —————————————————- I have met Captain May a number of times not long ago and did the email wars for a while until I told him to knock it off. He stated once that he was a Public Information officer in the 75th Division (training support) in Houston, a training unit in which I served for three years some years ago. Captain May is delusional, seriously mentally ill. His writings ramble all over the conspiratorial map without any coherent political core. The Left seeks out anyone who has worn a uniform to use to lambast those who serve or have served. I once read an article in Harpers praising a deserter who claimed to have joined the military to get away from an overly aggressive AA group. Captain May is tailor made for that bunch, plus he gets to spout his inanities to a receptive audience. I don’t know what his current status is in the reserves but he will cross the wrong line in wearing the uniform sometime and could be subject to courts martial. He would love that as it would feed his delusions of persecution. The Left would have a field day. He is just sane enough not to be a danger to himself or others, so commitment is not likely. He is… Read more »


Jesus H… was it that special “steath” Neutron bomb with no detectable effects that the aliens who stop by Area 51 gave us, per chance? Does he claim Sara Palin had to resign as governor because she was behind Michael Jackson’s death, too? FUBAR… if he had half a brain he’d be dangerous, no wonder he couldn’t make Major.

Eagle II

Wanted to state any info posted about “other” wannabe’s who held office like Wannabe Green Beret Mayor of Atlantic City.. or Eric May was posted to show that wannabe’s come from all walks of life who served or never served.

Chasing wannabe’s can be a very time consuming task. No chaser is an Island and depends on many others who work together as one.

Finally, the only organization, who’s been in the arena and not quit ( we’ve seen ‘em come and go ) is the PoW Network led by Chuck & Mary Schantag. The hours they work at this task would overwhelm many. There are costs inured by them but they do not actively solicit donations. That said, if you have some spare pocket change that you want to donate to a good cause, consider visiting their site. Google: PoW Network. I want this to post and if I add their link it may not.

HONOR is NOT just a personal issue its a group issue and shame on those who walk away from facing those who steal it within any issue.
– Eagle II, Houston, TX

Col Ted Guy once said…

“honor is something that once you lose it you become like an insect in the jungle. You prey upon others and others prey upon you until there is nothing left. Once you lose your honor, all the gold in the world is useless in your attempt to regain it.”

Dear Wannabe: You can RUN but you’ll just die tired”


I knew Eric May at Univ of Houston. I was in ROTC with him before I enlisted in 85. I liked him alot and have been looking for him over several years to say hello again. He was a good friend, very intelligent, not just intellectual, and accused of being arrogant by lesser men. I saw his Ghost Busters Troop website several years ago, and still could not get in touch with him. I almost got to see him back in 2003 at his Martial Arts studio, but he had moved on the week before. I’m sorry to see that he started using his intellectualism rather than intelligence. I’m especially pissed to see that he would allow the Liberal Left to use him, and ally himself with a bunch of scumbag anti-American peace zealots and Arab types. I’m born and raised Houston, Tx, and there’s other places where the survivalists camp out, such as in upper Idaho, etc… But, so far as Texas being a Republic again if the rest of the country votes itself socialist and marxist with Obama, then that of course is the right idea to salvage ourselves and leave the rest of the idiots to what they deserve. And anyone who wants to stay free and prosper would be welcome to join us. I like this site. It’s level-headed reality and good ‘ol patriotism for an American Nation. I was Army Ranger from 85-94 before ETSing with disabilities. My time in 3rd Bn was as A co Commo Chief for then Cpt McCrystal during his first Ranger assignment. We put together the Ranger airfield seizure mission after Granada that was used very well in Panama. I still hope to see Eric, before he dies.

samy martinez

Dear Readers:
This guy a real nut. He going to get a lot of people into trouble. He a racist. There is no ghost trooper. Places he talks about being exist but he was never was there. too bad he is brilliant that he went nuts.The power of prayes will stop his hate amen


[…] Zio-Globalist War November 9th, 2011 In a link from TSO One of the crackpots at Veterans today, Eric May predicts that because his readers demand that he writes about it, that there’s a war […]

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