Arrest in MLK Day bombing attempt

| March 9, 2011

Apparently, Spokane police have arrested a man in connection with that attempted bombing in Spokane on Martin Luther King, Jr Day. It was a backpack bomb placed near a parade route. The arrest was a 36-year-old “ex-soldier” named Kevin William Harpham. Of course the media jumps on the phone and calls Mark Potok;

Potok said his organization’s records also indicate that Harpham was in the U.S. Army in 1996 and 1997, serving with the 37th Field Artillery Regiment at Fort Lewis.

And, of course, the Left jumps to defend Potok’s and the Department of Homeland Security’s contention that veterans of the recent wars are likely to become terrorists. Except that Harpham was in the Army for a brief period well before the current wars began.

All of you Redlegs out there raise your hands if you received training from the Army to make backpack bombs. Yeah, none of you. So this particular shitbag learned to make backpack bombs somewhere besides the Army.

Somehow, Crooks and Liars thinks this vindicates Potok and the DHS. About as much as 88-year-old John von Brunn’s actions supported the “veteran-as-terrorist” fairy tale.

So far, none of the veterans who’ve been accused of being terrorists have served in the current wars. So Potok and the DHS remain idiots.

Category: Shitbags, SPLC, Terror War

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So he spent two years as a soldier, 14 years ago, and THAT’S the lead they went with? What, has this shithead not done anything with his life since then?

I suppose by this logic, if I were arrested tomorrow for planting a bomb, they’d refer to me as an “ex-high school freshman.” I’m sure my former shop teacher would be in all kinds of hot water for teaching me about nails and hot glue.

AW1 Tim

They have an agenda, and aren’t about to allow facts to get in the way of their storyline.


1996-1997? I blame Clinton.


As a Redleg, I once left my well-used gym clothes in my backpack with a tunafish sandwich in an open sandwich bag in my truck during a hot Fort Sill day. While there were no reported casualties, the then-spousal unit required my cleaning said backpack and clothes outside.


One of the worst murders I ever heard of was committed by an ex-cop. That doesn’t make all cops murderers, either.

It must really suck to need something so desperately and be so afraid of it at the same time (the military, soldiers, etc.)
