Libyan Special Forces defeated by rebels.

| March 2, 2011

I wanted to bring this up because if the success in Egypt had a ripple effect then I am sure that the effects of this event cannot be ignored.

Opposition forces in Libya have fought off elite pro-Gaddafi units who tried to retake the rebel-held town of Zawiya, near the capital Tripoli.

The overnight attempt to take back Zawiya was made by some of Libya’s best-equipped troops, the Al Khums force under the command of one of Moamar Gaddafi’s own sons.

Despite attacking the city from several sides they were beaten back, and Zawiya is still in the hands of the opposition, although it is also still surrounded.

I did a double take because this is big, The people who are revolting are not a organized fighting force. Yes they may have soldiers that defected, but if a group has never worked or much less trained together then the odd of winning anything are small. So the idea that this group can repulse a well trained and equipped force now gives any militia hopes that they can stand against any organized Army that any Middle Eastern country can muster. I thought that the pilots defecting was bad enough.

Also the Rebels are starting to change their views about needing outside military their help. Now people need to look into the assumption that Foreign Aid will solve this.

Category: Breaking News, Foreign Policy

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Chuck Z

They were Libyan Special Forces…

Very Special Forces.

Led By Quaddafi’s own son, “Corky.”

Life goes on, I suppose.


Huh, it looks to me as if LT Gen Hal Moores sage advice to his 1/7 cavalry troopers paid off in spades for these guys. Believe it went along the lines of “We may be out numbered but we won’t be over-ran”. Anyone is free to correct me if I am mistaken about the history of that…


Libyan SF basically means they have prettier uniforms, special colored berets, jump wings and maybe get to fire a few more live rounds every year than Achmed Bag-o-Donuts in some half assed leg Infantry or MP unit.

Other than that, “Special” in those parts of the world means very, very little in terms of fitness, mindset and skill at arms.

USMC Steve

It could also simply be that, like the now defunct South Vietnamese, their “elite” special forces folks are just shitty and can’t get the job done.

Adirondack Patriot

Special Forces in most of the arab armies simply means they screw up less than the rest of the army. They’re still screw ups, but they’re in the upper echelon of screw ups.

As a result, they’re entitled to do 4 hours of bench curls every morning and roll their sleeves up. They get special parking spaces for their Lexuses (Lexi?), while the other army slobs drive Chevy Caprices. They also get their own TCN to make their tea and bring clean hand towels to the men’s room.


I truly love it when the MSM starts talking about the “elite” this or the “special” that when discussing military units in various parts of the world. The way they portray the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, it is a force that could singlehandedly whip all of NATO and not break a sweat. Such a load of crap…