Jeff Schogol takes a shot at the new PT test

| March 2, 2011

Our buddy, Stars and Stripes reporter and TAH fan, Jeff Schogol, also known around here as the Rumor Doctor, demonstrated the new Army Physical Fitness test yesterday ;

I can’t get the S&S player into this post so you’ll have to click here.

Jeff writes to us; “It’s times like this I admire servicemembers even more, because I know I could never do what they do”

Category: Military issues

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Just A Grunt

Ate up like a soup samwich comes to mind.

Okay, show of hands. How many can remember the old PT test which included such lovely items as the Run, Dodge and Jump, the Perverted, er Crab Walk, and Monkey Bars?


I read about it in History class, wedged in between bayonet training and Jeeps.

GA Knight

Tub O’ Goo.