OK, let’s get to the really important stuff

| February 14, 2011

ROS sends us a link to a Hill article about Sheila Jackson Lee who is spitting mad about the really important stuff. I mean would could be more important than a Pepsi ad?

In the ad for Pepsi Max, a black woman sitting on a park bench gets angry with her husband after an attractive, white female jogger sits down next to the couple and smiles and waves at the man.

After the man smiles back, his girlfriend or wife gets angry and whips her Pepsi Max can at him. The man ducks, and the can hits the attractive jogger in the head. The ad is titled “Love hurts.”

My goodness…that’s as bad as Iran’s nukes or Hezzbollah having it’s own country.. But just to make the caricature of herself complete, Jackson or Lee or Sheila or whatever says;

“In this month of African-American history where we’re trying to celebrate what is good and great, it certainly seems ridiculous that Pepsi would utilize this kind of humor,” she said. “It was not humorous. It was demeaning — an African-American woman throwing something at an African-American male and winding up hitting a Caucasian woman.”

Yup, the commercial would have been more appropriate on Boxer Day, or Caucasian Non-Joggers Month.

Jackson Lee also said it would be great to have a lot more women in ads at the Super Bowl.

I never realized there was a shortage of women in ads during the Superbowl. I am aware of the fact that the women in the ads during the Superbowl DON’T look remotely like Jackson, Lee or Sheila.

Here’s the ad, so you can be outraged, too.

Category: Congress sucks, General Whackos

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Yeah, I’m offended.
Showing males as subservient like this…what are we, back in the 50’s where men are forced to wash the dishes and stay at home watching the kids. I thought we had equality now?

Frankly Opinionated

I owe you something. Check this link and get to me. Jonn will forward.


Okay, there is one standard that I think needs mentioning here. If the positions had been reversed — the man had shoved the women’s head into a plate, and throwing the can at the jogger — the ad would have ended up on the cutting room floor. I don’t think it is correct to show women smacking men, any more than it is to show a man smacking a woman.

Or, I don’t know, I guess I’m old-fashioned… maybe we should be giving equal time to both, since both men and women seem to think it’s okay to pile on each other anymore…

Frankly Opinionated

How many times must a woman be allowed to demean a man in a 31 second video. This is outrageous!!!!
The abuse, (physical), starts at 01 second in, again at 03 seconds, at 07 seconds, and an attempt at 25 seconds! What is going on here? I thought that we had some rights. This is obviously discriminatory! I am going to call Oily Titz to defend us.


Sheila Jackson-Lee thinks that NASA sent men to Mars. Yep, she thinks that they planted the American flag there back in 1969. When she was visiting NASA, she asked the people operating the Mars ROVER craft if they would show her where the astronauts left the flag.

And she thinks that there are “two Vietnams”. “Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, north and south, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace.”

By the way, Sheila Jackson Lee graduated from Yale. I would make a comment here about how nice it is to be a black female in the age of affirmative action, but I don’t think that Yale had an affirmative action policy at the time she was admitted. According to Wiki, she got her undergraduate degree in 1972. If we assume that she started college in 1968, and I think we can safely say that there was no such policy in place when she was admitted.

So I’m left with one conclusion. A fancy Ivy League education does not a genius make. You can be a first class buffoon and still get a sheepskin from an impressive university. For more on that, just look to the rest of Congress.


Yeah, and another thing.

Violence against men is considered funny in our society. This ad prioves it. Any such violence against a woman would not be considered funny at all.

I remember when Tiger Woods’s wife came after him with a golf club. People thought that was funny, thought he was getting his just desserts. After all, if he didn’t want to get hit with a golf club, he shouldn’t have been philandering, right?

I wonder if a man would be able to justify whacking his wife with a golf club by saying that she “deserved it” due to the fact that she was unfaithful. No.


HA!! I love you, Frank! I swear, one of these days I’ll have it copyrighted and give you sole rights. 😀

Bubblehead Ray

It figures… That was my favorite ad during the Super Bowl. I literally “LOL’d.


SJL believes there are two Vietnam’s too. rofl!


I also graduated from Yale. Being a locksmith was my dream.

Doc Bailey

some people just cant take a joke