Disgraced Marine steals brother’s ID and joins Navy

| February 14, 2011

OK, this is pretty weird. Jason Robert Daniels stole his brothers’ identity after he got booted out of the Marines six months earlier and joined the Navy where he completed training and worked in a hospital in Guam for about 19 months. Then staged his own suicide to collect the Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance benefit in his real name. How could a wonderfully designed plan go wrong?

Jason Robert Daniels changed the beneficiary of his $400,000 military life insurance policy to his purported brother, who was really himself, and created a will that left his property to “Jason Daniels.”

“(Jason Robert Daniels) attempted to prevent detection of his fraudulent scheme by leaving a purported suicide note in his residence; … (Jason Robert Daniels) departed Guam on about Sept. 2 2009, on a commercial flight to Chicago, Illinois, and was subsequently discharged from the Navy on about Sept. 21, 2009,” the proposed agreement states.

The credit union closed Jason Robert Daniels’ accounts, and incurred a loss of more than $16,500, the proposed agreement states.

The charges;

# 10 counts of wire fraud;

# Four counts of financial institution fraud;

# Access device fraud;

# Six counts of misuse of a social security number; and

# Four counts of aggravated identity theft.

Category: General Whackos

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Frankly Opinionated

In this economy, there is no shortage of Stupid. Too bad they don’t know how to market it.
Just another douCHE on the loose.


Clearly, the Marines realized there was something wrong, and got rid of him before they could cause them trouble.

And boy howdy, is there something wrong with this one!!


“…got rid of him before HE could…”

It’s Monday. Sorry.


What caught my eye was that it took the Navy only 19 days to discharge this turd, lol. Awesome.


19 months NSOM, not 19 days. He collected something like $60,000 in wages during that time. Unreal, lol.


No, I mean the time from when he left the fake note to the time he was discharged, not the total enlistment.


Ahhhh, I see. I missed that, lol.

Doc Bailey

Bright Idea Fairy strikes again


That needed a spew alert!! 🙂


You can’t fool me! Tameka Neslusan spelled backwards is Akematnasulsen, the first emperor of the mercadian empire.


Well, AirCav, to be fair, his english is better than my mercadese…not much, but some.