Cat Shit One: Episode 1

| February 14, 2011

You’ve all seen the trailer, which Ace put up like a year ago, here now is Cat Shit One, Episode One.  Thanks to Claymore for forwarding.  Starts at 4 mins in.

Welcome Ace of Spades morons.

Category: Politics

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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SPADES MASTERS , Greg Cotharn. Greg Cotharn said: War movie: Cat Shit 1 Wagging tails, scrunching noses, casual kill shot to head of prone terrorist […]


Sure ain’t Bugs Bunny is it? And you wonder why the kids today are so violent.


I’d only wonder that if I were stupid enough to let children watch adult entertainment in the first place.


Why was the helicopter a Russian Hind? Weird

Frankly Opinionated

Anonymous doesn’t have a clue.

Old Dog


Maybe that is the Dragon from Ringo’s “Unto the Breach”!


Liked it very much. I very much enjoyed the great detail of the buildings, I would like to know how long that took to render?
Where did the islam camels get the big deuces? Don’t they usually travel around in Toyota flat bed trucks?
I savored each of the islam, oh sorry, the camel kills. Sure wish our guys had the freedom to do this very thing, just kill them all, then let GOD sort it out.
I would have carried a few more hand grenades. to take out the last of them.
Very well done.
Looking foreword to the next installment.