Middle East on fire

| February 14, 2011

Protests in Algeria, Yemen, and Iran. The International Atomic Energy Agency warns that Iran may be pursuing nuclear armament.

But the IAEA did not have hard evidence implicating Tehran in nuclear bomb making, he said.

“We are not sure if they are hiding something,” Amano noted. “We don’t have a smoking gun. We have concerns.”

Welcome to reality, doofus.

Now that Gaddafi is off the terrorist list, he’s encouraging Palestinians to stage a revolution against Israel. Of course the old guard in the Middle East has been keeping their own opposition at bay by continually encouraging the Palestinians to battle Israel.

The outgoing premier of Lebanon is going to declare himself in the opposition to the Hezbollah-controlled government there.

And, oh, the Egyptian labor unions are protesting for higher wages now.

Did I leave anyone out?

It’s going to be a rough summer.

Category: Breaking News

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Adirondack Patriot

One more.

The Orthodox Left-Handed Goat Herders of the Loyal Order of Zoroaster (Freddie Mercury Chapter/Eastern Hadji Hills) are threatening unrest over Justin Beiber’s relationship with Selena Gomez.

No worries, though. Panetta is all over it.


Somebody has dumped a tanker load of gasoline all over the Middle East and not it is a matter of who is going to drop a match on it first…


“It’s going to be a rough summer”. Nah, the One is in charge, and he’s got it handled. As soon as Gibbsy points out where the rest of the Middle East is on the map, he’ll unleash his one-person diplomacy on them. Oops, not Gibbsy anymore, maybe he can get Mooochelle to point the places out to him. Cuz Panetta and Clapper can’t find the place with both hands and flash light.
And, the IAEA is still buying the Iranian shit about “peaceful uses”? Defund that stinking pile of bureaucracy and kickbacks too.

Doc Bailey

Its really funny that Iraq seems to be the most STABLE middle east country right now.


Heh. *i* want to know who pulls the strings and drives the forklift delivering the budget that will never, ever in ten years take in more than it spends…

“rough summer” will extend way beyond because I am a cynic.