More VoteVets double talk

| January 17, 2011

Back when the Obamacare bill passed and the boys at Vetvoice were tooting their horns about how great this would be for the country, I asked them how this would affect my health care, selfish fuck that I am. The boys at VetVoice assured me that this would not affect me at all. That I should stop whining and do my own research.

But, lo and behold, today, with Republicans threatening to end the Obamacare bill, they send out this warning to veterans;

It’s for those veterans that this new law means so much. To repeal it would mean that unemployed veterans – the rate of which is 10 percent, and 21 percent among young Iraq and Afghanistan veterans – will lose the access to health care that this law will soon provide. To repeal it would mean a whole new generation of veterans will come home to struggle to make ends meet, while paying skyrocketing health insurance premiums to unchecked insurance companies.

We need your voice heard, now more than ever. Don’t let the House Majority get away with framing this debate as anything other than what it is – a desire to return to the old status quo, which helped insurance companies, and hurt America’s veterans and working families.

Now WAFS, here. If the bill wasn’t going to affect me in the first place, how will it affect me when it ends? One might get the idea that VoteVets is blowing smoke up our collective ass.

TSO reminds us that OIF and OEF veterans get five years of free healthcare, so how does repealing a bill which isn’t supposed to take effect for 3 more years affect them?

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To be technical, it’s only for service connected injuries or disabilities for 5 years; not everything under the sun.

E. Wyatt

VetVoice and VoteVets is becoming more irrelevant as the days go by. Their left-wing hot air is losing most of its effectiveness as most Americans see the failures of leftist politics.


Actually, looks like Brian is right.
I wonder why they treated Kidney Stones for me.

Old Trooper

Cuz they felt sorry for you, TSO 🙂

A serious answer; maybe your stones were caused by your time in Afghanistan? How long, after you got back, before you had them?


Wonder if whomever funds them is somehow expected to make money off of Obamacare, as passed into law? Double-speak with the single voice of “don’t repeal our funding line?”


Was trying to remember if Jonn had posted any VoteVets connections in the past.


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