DC murder rate is a shell game

| January 17, 2011

Some of you may remember that the DC government was bragging last year that they’d got the murder rate to the lowest in 45 years.

In a one on one interview with Fox 5 Monday, DC Police Chief Cathy Lanier said it all has to do with focusing on a small group of violent offenders and working closely with the community.

“The first is focusing on those repeat violent gun offenders,” said Chief Cathy Lanier in an interview in her office Monday. “It’s a small number of people who consistently carry guns and engage in repeat violent gun offenses. If you can focus on those people and get them off the street that is the number one key ingredient.”

Blah-blah-f***ing-blah. All they did was push the criminals across the state line to Prince George’s County, Maryland. In fact murder, rates went up in every county that touches the District in Maryland and Virginia.

On Facebook I joked the other morning that more Americans have died violently in Prince George’s County this year than in Afghanistan and that we should withdraw from Maryland immediately. Where’s the IVAW?

The truth is that 13 people have been killed in PG County in the first 14 days of this year as of this morning.

Police now say there have only been 12 homicides this year, as one death is considered justifiable. A 30-year-old was shot and killed Tuesday by a homeowner while trying to break into the owner’s New Carrollton residence. “The long and short of it is intent,” Cpl. Evan Baxter explained.

Yeah, intent. If the homeowner hadn’t killed the intruder, the homeowner would be dead…either way someone was going to die as the result of a crime.

Anyway, DC pushes it’s criminals out of the district and they become someone else’s problem, but DC has the lowest murder rate it’s had in years. Like when DC’s former chief Ramsey blamed the increase in crime on the fact that all of the criminals were done serving their ten years sentences and were back on the streets.

So now PG County has declared an emergency and they’ve increased the number of cops on their streets. So the criminals will head back into DC.

Category: Politics

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Wow, the yearly rate of total deaths for all of 2011 is far below the yearly rate for all of 2010… as of only January 17 of 2011!

AW1 Tim

Anon> ???????

Was there some sort of point to be made in your comment?


You can’t really blame PG County murders on DC’s anti-crime efforts. That would imply that PG County hasn’t always been a crime ridden shithole.

Doc Bailey

I think it is sad and pathetic that DC our capitol and supposed to be the “shining beacon on a hill” or some such nonsense, meant to Awe any visitors and heads of state that might happen to visit, is, in fact a shit hole. It might also be interesting to point out that as the sole “federal enclave” that has a civilian population, it has some of the WORST civic management.

the fact that 13 and 14 YO kids can beat on a guy cuz they think its funny, and the asswipe filming it has to put his own personal logo all over the video (two great signs of societal decay) and NO ONE DOES ANYTHING, should, I think be a clear indication of how totally screwed this town is. those two shoulda got their ass beat. But that’s just my opinion.


Interesting comment heard on the radio the other day from a former NYC cop. He made the statement that so many police departments on the East Coast and in the Northeast are anti-gun so that there is more crime and, thus, more demand for officers. This, in turn, requires bigger budgets and the police unions demanding better pay for having to deal with increased violence.

Don’t know if there is any truth to it or not but it does make one wonder about the social engineering aspects of crime prevention such as this article points out.

Frankly Opinionated

Politicians and police unions are anti-gun, to serve their own agendas.
This is but one more opportunity to make the comparison between Kennnesaw Georgia, where gun ownership is mandetory, and that Chicago Suburb that outlawed guns.
“They” just don’t get it.
Guns kill people? No more than pencils misspell.

AW1 Tim

Indeed. Britain outlawed hand guns, and there has been a rise in armed robberies, assaults and murders ever since. The weapon of choice? A knife.

Now, Britain is once more considering a ban on knives. The rational is that common folks have no need of steak knives, butcher knives, cleavers, etc. The butcher can cut your meat(s) for you. The Parliament, in the same bill, is also considering requiring KNIVES and Butcher’s tools to be licensed, and only available to those who can prove a need for them.

I just can’t justify using the word “Great” in front of the word “Britain” anymore.

AW1 Tim

Older article (2008), but this gives you the idea…


Jimmy T

“Police now say there have only been 12 homicides this year, as one death is considered justifiable. A 30-year-old was shot and killed Tuesday by a homeowner while trying to break into the owner’s New Carrollton residence. ”

Had this incident happened in DC most likely the homeowner would be dead instead of the Goblin breaking into that residence because DC has worked so hard to disarm the law abiding residents making them easy prey. This is why for so many years DC had such a high homocide rate.

The liberals hate to admit this one sure fire fact, more guns equals less crime.

BT: Jimmy T sends.


Doesn’t DC have a gun ban? How is it the homeowner shot the intruder and it was declared “justified,” if the homeowner wasn’t supposed to have a gun? Was the homeowner a cop or something?

Toothless Dawg


Unless you are with the DC In-Crowd. When former Mayor Walter Washington had left office (the days when DC was the #1 murder capitol of the country), he pulled his revolver and fired at a couple of white kids who decided to swim in his pool. I don’t think he killed them but the incident hit the papers and no charges were filed, as I recall.

IZ Safe

typically, cities and states in the US that have the most restrictive gun controls have more violent crimes. Me thinks it’s because the bad guys are really afraid to take on anybody who may be armed.
If some of these criminal pukes went to a gun friendly place (meaaning “shall issue CCW permits”, and tried to rob a store, they’d likely be shot down by so many good citizens long before they had a chance to turn their Glock sideways and try shooting like the punks in the movies do.

Toothless Dawg

“Had this incident happened in DC most likely the homeowner would be dead instead of the Goblin breaking into that residence because DC has worked so hard to disarm the law abiding residents making them easy prey.”

Sorry, my bad … I used the wrong characters to include this quote in my above quote.

Old Trooper

IZ Safe: The thing that was asked immediately after the AZ shootings was “why didn’t someone in the crowd return fire?”, since AZ is known for their carry laws. Well, there is an answer for that; the crowd was there to see a democrat (yeah, even if she is centrist, many of her followers aren’t) representative and many of those in the crowd wouldn’t think of carrying. The only one that was armed was a guy in the store, who happened to be coming out of the store, not someone there to see Giffords, and by the time he was outside, they had the scumbag down on the ground.

Would it have been different if it were a republican representative? Who knows, but chances are there would have been some in the crowd that were packing. I know for a fact that there were at least a dozen average citizens that were packing on the State Capitol grounds last Spring (I was one of them) when Michelle Bachmann and a slew of others were holding a Tea Party protest. Had someone tried to pull the same crap during that gathering, they wouldn’t have made it to jail, but they would have made it to the morgue.


And there would be psychological factors, wouldn’t there? Attempting to engage a shooter in a crowd would be different from a situattion of purely self-defense. The ability to accurately engage the shooter in the crowd without hitting others, and the fear of being mistaken for the killer, would probably cause most legitimate gun owners to hesitate.



Oddly enough, that sort of thing just happened to some cops in Baltimore earlier this month.
Plainclothes cop was shot and killed by uniforms. They were all responding to the same call, plainclothes officer got there first, suspects came after him, he drew and started firing in defense, responding uniforms arrived and thought he was the bad guy and killed him. Bad day all around.

My CCW instructor said you had to make your own choices, but he always felt that in an active shooter situation your personally safest option was to find a good exit and get yourself and family the hell out of the area. If the bad guy ends up between you and safety, by all means shoot him, but otherwise just bail.


Spade: That’s tragic, and that was what I was thinking about. I’m licensed to carry, and while I like to believe I’m level-headed–and an accurate shot–I would be very, very hesitant to attempt to stop a public shooter with a gun. If I attempted to intervene, my first thought would be to either jump on him or brain him with something (which would probably end up with me being one of his victims…)

Old Trooper

Spade: That’s where situational awareness comes in. As my instructor says “even when you are walking in to a McDonalds, always scan the area and if something doesn’t feel right, back out the door”. Sometimes, you can’t avoid a situation and that’s when you have to act. What you do depends on your training and is no time to second guess your instincts. If a person is wondering what they would do and question their ability to take action, then they shouldn’t be armed.

It sounds, from the one armed person in the whole bunch, like the people were already clearing out, which left a direct line to the person holding the gun. Since that person wasn’t facing him and didn’t have the gun raised, he didn’t start blasting away, but instead analyzed the situation and closed on the person holding the gun. He didn’t even unholster his own gun and delayed doing so in light of not having all the information at the time (he did have his hand on it and was ready to). He did exactly what he was trained to do. Had the person with the gun actually been the shooter, there would have been other indicators like relaoding,etc. which would have told the guy that he indeed was the shooter and he would have taken appropriate action at that time.

ralph lauren ???

????? ??