Bank accused of overcharging Veterans on home loans.
It seems that Chase bank is being accused of overcharging and improperly foreclosing on homes of Veterans.
One of the nation’s biggest banks — JP Morgan Chase — admits it has overcharged several thousand military families for their mortgages, including families of troops fighting in Afghanistan. The bank also tells NBC News that it improperly foreclosed on more than a dozen military families.
Chase bank has said that there have been at least 4,000 people that might have been overcharged and at least 14 who had theirs homes taken because of this. Chase Bank has said in a statement that it will be sending out refunds and help those that have lost their homes to have them returned.
“We are deeply appreciative of those who fight to protect our country and Chase funds a number of programs that provide benefits to military personnel and veterans, and while any customer mistake is regrettable, we feel particularly badly about the mistakes we made here,” Chase chief communications officer Kristin Lemkau said in a statement to NBC News.
She said that beginning this week Chase will be mailing a total of about $2 million in refunds to families that may have been overcharged. She says most of the families improperly foreclosed on have gotten or will get their homes back. A bank official described what happened here as “grim,” but emphasized the mistakes were inadvertent, not malicious.
If you have or know anyone that is currently having a mortgage with Chase bank to get the word out to make sure that people are not being overcharged on their interest rates.
Category: Veterans Issues
Kudoes to the captain, his wife, and their legal representation!
Yep, because if it were not for him this would not have been noticed.
How much bailout money did Chase get? File criminal charges against those within Chase that knew about this. Fine Chase heavily and make sure they never receive a dime of federal aide ever again. It wasn’t a “mistake”. Fucking crooks.
Any time a bank thinks you own them money, they’re malicious. And always “right.” And more than willing to use the law to get their way. And their records are always right and yours don’t even exist.
That’s why I use a credit union. And I’m not real fond of them, either.
OT – Banks, credit and lending institutions don’t need to follow the law. By investing in the political campaigns of politicos favorable to the money industry; and sharing staff with same politicos – who will enforce law? Who will keep them honest?
[…] Sporkmaster wrote earlier about JP Morgan-Chase over-charging thousands of troops for the mortgages and repossessing 14 homes. Well, it seems that they’re making amends; JPMorgan Chase said those 14 properties have been or will be returned to the owners. […]
Guys – I head a program to assist military folks enforce their Service Members Civil Relief Act rights. I can usually get people free legal representation in most states. If you know of anyone having a problem, let Jonn or TSO know – the know how to get in touch with me.