Sitemeter fixed
Raoul emailed me to say that sitemeter was messin’ with you guys still using Internet Explorer. I guess a lot of blogs had the same problem so I took it out. Thanks, Raoul. I use Firefox so I didn’t notice it, but I can see now that it works in IE – so that must’ve been the problem. That explains why traffic’s been so dreary this weekend.
But, it gives me an excuse to brag a bit about how well you folks have supported this blog this past month. Best. Month. Ever.
Thanks for your patronage and participation. It only reinforces my contention that COB6, TSO and I make a great team since July was our first complete month together.
I have other statistics that indicate that visitorship is higher (more than double actually), but this gives a good indication of how we’ve grown over the past year. Thanks to all of you…and bring your friends over.
Category: Administrative
WOW – Congrats on those numbers!! You deserve it even though it makes me absolutely emerald green with envy…
Jonn wrote: Nah, Robin, no reason to be jealous. You deserve some of that credit, too. You were the intermediary for TSO and I in the beginning of that growth and got me into that IVAW stuff. And now that you’re back to blogging regularly, you’ll catch up in no time.
Congratulations, Jonn. I started following your blog during WSI2 and I’ve been a big fan ever since. Your coverage of DC area events is outstanding. Keep up the good work!
I think of it as a large family, even with our dysfunctional family members 🙂
Two things are obvious to me. First you got your real break when you started serious reporting on the IVAW clowns in March, and I bet a more detailed report would show the bump began just about mid-month. Second, you have to have some real quality here to have kept people coming back. And I’m sure all the regular visitors will understand exactly what that is. Congratulations and Well deserved!
As I’ve told you elsewhere this comes as no surprise from this seat.
And yeah, WSII did more for you than it did for the IVAW, but there’s little doubt you and your co-bloggers keep folks coming back.
Congrats, Jonn. I’ve respected your opinion and posts for quite a while now and it was through your site that I was introduced to COB6 and TSO, before they were regular contributors on TAH. You 3 do make a great team. I hope some of my email list I’ve sent your link to has made it over to your site. It’s one of the best.