Obama Caves on Offshore Drilling

| August 2, 2008

This is what happens when you base your every decision on polls instead of principle.

Shifting from his previous opposition to expanded offshore drilling, the Illinois senator told a Florida newspaper he could get behind a compromise with Republicans and oil companies to prevent gridlock over energy.

The list of Obama’s “clarified positions” is growing:

Separation of Church and State
Gun control
War funding
Iraq withdrawal
Death penalty
Public campaign finance

Needless to say, the left is not very happy with the “Chosen One”.

The Irregular Times, hardly a bastion of conservative thought, puts it succinctly:

This week, it’s offshore drilling. During the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama said he was against lifting the ban on new drilling for oil along America’s coastlines. Now, the Democratic Party primary elections are all wrapped up, and Obama says that he’s willing to join George W. Bush again, this time to support offshore drilling.

Flip. Flop.

Oily Obama is siding with the big oil companies now.
It may not be something you can believe in, but oh, it’s change all right.

Progressives Against Obama are quite upset with the whole Democrat Party.

You may think that the Democratic Party owns progressive voters. We say that after years of failure to stand up against George W. Bush, the Democratic Party has finally lost us. If the Democrats want our votes, they need to earn them.

You may think that progressives can’t oppose Barack Obama in 2008. We say yes we can.

Only time will tell how much this might damage Obama but it certainly does nothing to appease the hardcore Hillary supporters.

Just think of the list of issues that Obama has flipped, clarified, lied about, whatever you want to call it. Now think of all the fringe leftist groups that have been thrown under the bus.

Oh yes, Denver is going to be high theater!

Category: Politics

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