The new face of terrorism

| December 29, 2010

Speaking of ditzes, Old Trooper sent me a link last night to a Fox News story about an Indiana grandmother who has taken up the jihad against the US;

Muslim-convert Kathie Smith, 46, a U.S. citizen living in Indianapolis who has blogged about her granddaughter, last year married a suspected German jihadist, and has been flying back and forth between the U.S. and Germany as recently as two weeks ago.

A pro-jihadist video featuring Smith and her husband – alongside photos of members of the Islamic Jihad Union charged with plotting failed terror attacks against U.S. targets in Germany — is being investigated by the Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center. The center is a counterterror intelligence clearinghouse staffed by law enforcement officers from local and federal agencies, including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

There’s much more information at our buddies’ The Jawa Report place including the video from the Fox article.

It all reminded me about the timely post Uncle Jimbo wrote last week at Blackfive entitled “Concealed carry is counterterrorism“. She’s from Indiana, for Pete’s sake.

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

I have seen a few converts around here, as well. Converts can be the more dangerous, because they are the most enthusiastic, whether it’s Born Again types or muslims. The problem is when they are converts into the jihadi denomination of muslim. Everyone considers Cat Stevens (yeah, I know that’s not his mulsim convert name) a “moderate” muslim, yet he was one of those who publicly called for the killing of Salman Rushdie. So, if a “moderate” has no problem with killing someone for writing a book critical of islam, then what do you think an enthusiatic convert would be willing to do? Well, one thing is they would be willing to kill unarmed soldiers outside a recruiting center, or plot with others to kill a cartoonist.

Uncle Jimbo is right, CC is counterterrorism.


In contingency planning, we always used to refer to CC and Open Carry as “Bubba Factor” and it did indeed figure into planning. Roads and places where Bubba could and did carry, we didn’t have to put nearly as much time in on planning. Places where the citizens were disarmed, loads more. They look for soft targets (thank you Dean Ing for that term), and Bubba tends to be hard. No comment on her showing up after TSO moved here… *G*

Laughing Wolf

Oops, Comment 2 is mine.


The “Indiana Intelligence Fusion Center”? WTF is that??

Old Trooper

jonp: The gummint has these “fusion centers” all over the country and they are basically intelligence clearing houses for law enforcement and the DHS.


On one hand, I always CC when I can.

On the other hand, I doubt this guy will be able to do much with his airsoft Sig 552.