Dahlia Wasfi, ditz

| December 29, 2010

At the risk of attracting the folks who have a crush on Iraqi-born Dahlia Wasfi, who we’ve been told is “scary smart”, one of my ninjas took this screen shot of one of her brilliant comments on Facebook last night;

Of course, she’s referring to the flag in her Facebook avatar as if it’s some brave statement. The flag is Iraq’s Saddam Hussein-era flag. Obviously, Wasfi, whose family fled Hussein’s Iraq when she was a child, misses the Iraq she never knew. And what the old Iraq flag and the old Iraqi oppressor has to do with Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza two years ago is too “scary smart” for me to figure out. I doubt any of the 48 people who “liked” her vacuous statement could explain it either.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies

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No problem, then all sw asian out of Europe and America. Fair is Fair…..and no more aid to the impoverished nations, let them deal with the oil sheiks.


Under her logic, who would the “war criminals of tomorrow” be to carry out the removal of those 6-7 million evil Jews living in SW Asia? Or are they the same war criminals of today who keep pelting civilian towns with rockets, and then justify it based on pure body count. This girl is an absolute hypocrit – tacitly supporting suicide bombers, death to Jews, etc – and proves that education doesn’t equate to wisdom, pragmatism or “scary smarts.”

Bob Parks

Ms. Wasfi considers the US (among others) war criminals killing in Iraq. However, since the “occupation”, who’s been doing all the bombings in schools, markets, police stations, etc.?

I really don’t believe it was the United States and/or the Coalition, but the barbaric actions of some of her countrymen, but that would suck to have to admit.

Old Trooper

Little Dahling, and her faux intellectual groupies, are only spouting sound bites and slogans that can fit on a bumpersticker or protest sign. No real thought. No real intellect in making the statements; just feel good, self righteous bullshit that does nothing and means less.


OT… I agree with you. But as someone who has spent a extreme amount of in all parts of the Middle East, to include Palestinian areas, it is just so incomprehensible that these so-called “intellectual” sycophants will proudly “promise” the tacit massacre of Jewish children in the name of Palestinian children. And speaking of “Operation Dead Children in Palestine…” Is she demanding justice against the Arabs in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, etc who actually did massacre Palestinian children Wounded Knee style, or is this more of a bigotry thing where she is promising to support Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and AQ’s chartered goal of massacring all the Jews in the name of the Palestinian children? But as OT says, that wouldn’t make for a nice bumper sticker of soundbyte.

Old Trooper

CPT Me: Those that know and understand history, know that there is no such thing as a “Palestinian” to begin with. Arafat was Egyptian, for one, and the “occupied territories” were acquired through the spoils of war from Jordan, Egypt, and Syria; NOT from Palestinians.

She is a bigot, sir, just as you have stated. Her and her “peeps” aren’t smart enough to figure that out, though, contrary to the fawning over her by those peeps as someone who is uber intelligent.


OT, #4 is spot on, Wasfi and her groupies couldn’t combine their intellects into wattage and light a 10watt light bulb. I’m waiting for her to call Obama and demand that he not spend a dime of the billions he wants to give to Hamas.

Michael in MI

Little Dahling, and her faux intellectual groupies, are only spouting sound bites and slogans that can fit on a bumpersticker or protest sign.

Yep. Bill Whittle did a righteous take down of some of those stupid slogans a few years ago: Seeing the Unseen

That post is the first I read from Mr. Whittle and it (along with his OODA Loop essay) made me an instant fan of his work.


Michael in MI #8:
You’ve done it again, Sir. That “Seeing the Unseen” is quite a link. Thank you.

Old Trooper

Yeah, I’ve been a fan of Bill for years. He’s great.

Trigger Mike

America is evil. The spawn of Satan. Everything about it is evil. So why doesn’t she move to Canada? Or go fight for her family in Iraq? Coward.

Ross Caputi

@ the creator of this post, I’ll explain her comment to you, and it is no surprise to me that you can’t figure it out. To understand her post you will need knowledge of history going back further than two years and you will also need the ability to see things from other perspectives. The problem with Israel didn’t start two years ago with the war against Gaza, it started in 1948 when it was created illegally and displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Israel continues to be a a source of tension to this day because it is illegally occupying Palestine and it violates the human rights of Palestinians on a daily basis. The problem with the U.S. presence in SW Asia should be a no brainer. We are illegally occupying two countries. Our foreign policy has been the cause of over 1 million Iraqi deaths, who knows how many deaths in Afghanistan, and immeasurable pain and suffering for the people who live in these countries. I don’t think the creators of This Ain’t Hell would ever support another country occupying our own country against our will, as is the case in Iraq. If you can’t put yourselves in the shoes of Iraqis you will never get where Ms. Wasfi is coming from and the humanity that motivates her facebook post, because you will always be thinking of the world in “us against them” terms. I don’t like flags or anything else that divides human beings up into little groups. But surely the geniuses at This Ain’t Hell can still feel pride in the American flag even if they don’t support the current president, just as Ms. Wasfi can feel pride in a symbol of her heritage without supporting every leader Iraq has ever had. You mock her “brave statement” by creating a post and bashing her behind her back. What a bunch of internet tough-guys you are! I don’t see an intellectual discussion going on at this blog. I see an isolated group of people ranting and raving to each other in the safty of their own blog.… Read more »


Everyone on this blog has addressed every single one of the arguments you have brought up over and over again. This site has an extensive list of old entries, by subject and date.
We’re attacking behind someone’s back? On an open-forum blog? Are you serious?
And we rave at each other on our own blog? You say that like it’s a bad thing. Go create your own blog, if you don’t this one.


…”if you don’t like this one.”
Fingers ahead of brain. Sorry.


#8 Great link. What he wrote is the way I think almost to a tee, but I rarely speak out. Damn chickenhawk thing.

Old Trooper

Ross, you obviously don’t know history any better than Dahlia.

There are no Palestinians, you moron!!

Second; if you really want to know the truth, then you will have to take your rose colored glasses off and notice that in 1948, when Israel was formed, by the UN no less, that there were only certain elements that didn’t want Israel to exist. The new country invited all those who wanted to, to be citizens, no matter their religion. The “leaders” told the muslims living there to leave until after Israel was vanquished and then they could re-take the land that would now be free from the Israelis. That didn’t work out so well, for those that left, because they lost the land that they had to begin with.

Did you know that Jews were buying land from the people that lived there? That’s right, they were paying for land even before the UN allowed them to create a country. But, I guess that doesn’t fit your worldview, like the rest of the dumbasses, and you ignore the facts as they are laid out in front of you, so I doubt that anyone will be able to convince you otherwise, anyway.

Anytime you want to debate facts, toughguy, come on over and we’ll stand out in the parking lot and “debate”. Unfortunately for you, you don’t know history and you aren’t smart enough to figure that out, so it will be a quick debate.

Trigger Mike

Wasfi refuses to actually do anything tangable like fight with her family. Instead she does the same tired crap that the rest do. She has never risked anyting for her own. While I think going to Iraq was a terrible move on our part I just get angry over those who don’t put their money where their mouth is.


@ Ross Caputi —-> Bwahahahahahaha!


Wasfi’s “intellect, integrity and courage” can’t be matched? As Jonn said, if she’s so brave and courageous and has so much integrity, why isn’t she back in Iraq, helping to rebuild her country?
And, OT told you the truth, there aren’t any Palestinians, they’re the poor relation of every other Arab in the ME. They’re the “cousin” that no one in the family will talk about, unless it’s to try and blame everyone else for their “plight”.
And, if we’re “bashing” her behind her back on this super secret blog, who gave you the password to get here to post?


It is clear that someone talked.


Ill grant to here and Ross that she publicly advocates for the mass mursder of Jewish children based on flawed historical rhetoric.


I have some examples of propaganda that is being passed around in the Middle East to including the writings of David Duke.

Doc Bailey

All I will say Ins’allah was always said as a truly fatalistic statement.

“Sewage in the street and trash everywhere?”

If you want to say that the US and Israel are killers, then what is Jaysh al Mahdi? Al Asqa Mytr Bde? hell Hamass doesn’t give a shit about civilian deaths. What about Muslims killing Christians in almost an orgy of blood in Darfur?

The Sniper

Oh, I don’t know. I think Jonn’s live-blogging from the belly of the beast at WS II with only TSO as a comrade amid a bunch of lunatics that wanted to kill him was more of a display of “intellect, integrity, and courage” than Wasfi’s vacuous, sanctimonious posts on FaceBook.

SPC Jack Klompus

Ah Caputi, yet another mindless, pseudo-intellectual, faux progressive, whose knowledge of world history and current affairs goes as far as the blurbs in the amateur echo chamber websites of fashionable dissidents he reads in order to feel “on the front lines of the oppressed.” Just one of these days I’d love to have one of these simpletons who repeat the word “illegal” like a toddler’s wind-up toy cite any and all laws that are supposedly being violated by their fashionable enemies du jour. Go back to DU and your Decemberists albums you monotonous tool.