Merry Christmas

| December 25, 2010

What are you doing here? You should be chugging nog and hugging family.

Regardless, we at TAH wish you a Merry Christmas no matter where you are. If you’re deployed, you’re making a down payment on being home next year. I think I can count on one hand the number of Christmases I spent with my family on active duty, so we’re right there with you.

If you’re between deployments, we’re glad you made it back. If you’re out of the service, we’re glad you’re here with us. If your spouse is deployed, thank you for holding up his end of the family thing.

If you’re a hippie, it’s just another Saturday except all of the stores are closed. If you’re Gordon Duff, the Mossad is plotting a false flag Christmas operation right now…go hide in your root cellar.

Regardless of the reason you come here, we hope you’re warm, full of Christmas cheer and surrounded by your family – or someone’s family.

Category: Holidays, Pointless blather

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lady red

Merry Christmas to everyone here at TAH. Thank you for your honorable service on our behalf, and may God bless and watch over all of our troops and their families.


Merry Christmas to my special TAH friends


Merry Christmas, everyone. Got to “talk” to my Marine son over in Afghanistan last night, via Yahoo msngr. And the youngest one will join us for Christmas dinner this afternoon. God bless y’all, as my daughter in law would say.


Merry Christmas to y’all at TAH and your readers. And… thank you for the hours of reading pleasure.


Merry Christmas, a very sincere thanks for your service , and also all the thought provoking dialogue.


Merry Christmas, Jonn, and everyone else! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started a sentence with “my friend says…” and realize my “friend” was one of you dork wads on here– I’m lucky to “know” ya.

BTW Jonn– I love love love love the Kindle hubs bought me! I already have 23 books on it!


I have said the same thing…”Jonn Lilyea” or “Spork” or “TSO” said…I have met John in passing at 9/12 when he was with The TankerBabe and Uncle J. But, anyplace that I frequent daily does make for “knowing” someone.
And darn it…no Kindle or Sony A33. I musta been really bad!:)

Merry Christmas, everyone!