Code Pink and DADT.

| December 24, 2010

As expected Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin put this out since it was repealed. No really surprised.

The peace group I co-founded, CODEPINK, has not only been protesting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the drone attacks in Pakistan, but we have been going to military recruiting stations, high schools and career fairs throughout the country encouraging our youth not to join the military.

Ok here is the warning. Put down any drinks and keep them there for the entire post. Yes it will be that bad.

Final warning,

Ok here we go, considering Code Pinks actions in the past years before reading the next quote.

We know that the military is one of the only ways many young people can afford a college education these days and that the financial crisis severely limits this generation’s career options. But we still encourage young men and women to look for other opportunities that don’t involved killing or being killed in wars we shouldn’t be fighting.

It might seem contradictory, then, that CODEPINK was an enthusiastic supporter of the rights for gays and lesbians to join and serve openly in the military. But within our organization, it was never even controversial — we stand up for the rights of all human beings. The decision to join the military or not should be determined by individual choice, not institutional discrimination.

WTF? Really? So what was all of that going on in Berkley? Yea here is what they really think of individual choice.

But then it gets better.

We understand that allowing gay soldiers to openly serve in the military is a crack in the armor of bigotry that will eventually open the way for gay people to marry and be guaranteed equality in the workplace. We understand this victory in the larger context of the march toward full human rights for this oppressed community. And who knows? Perhaps this victory will also serve to strengthen the military’s respect for human rights abroad.

Yea because we never had any of that before DADT was repealed.

But is comes down to the real reason Code Pink supported the repeal of DADT.

We also understand the potential for a powerful alliance between the gay and anti-war communities. We can work together to help young people — gay and straight — find careers that won’t kill them, maim them, destroy them psychologically, or cause them to do harm to others.

We can jointly reach out to those already in the military to speak out against the violations of the rights of peoples whose land we occupy. We can ask gay veterans to join groups like Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War. And we can work together to turn our military from an aggressive force to one that truly defends us here at home.

So they want them to join so they can have a fresh batch of Soldiers to use and throw away, since the current supply is running low.

Oh in case your wondering she will be at Fort Benning next year to take part of the SOA protests.

It it now safe to resume or start drinking.

Category: Code Pink, I hate hippies, Military issues

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??? What medication is she on?

Sam in GA

Knowing that tramp will be at Benning next year is good intel. I work there. Getting my super-soaker full of deer urine ready.


Wow. I don’t know WHAT koolaid she’s drinking, but DAMN.

AW1 Tim

Jesus Wept.

What an attention whore.


In other words…

Even though we don’t think anyone should join this terrible organization, we think that homosexuals should be able to.

In other words…

The repeal of DADT is an important foot in the door. In no time, we’ll be overturning states’ popularly determined marriage laws, AND we’ll have the added bonus of getting a liberal constituency group in the military. What an asset this will be when we want to disrupt and destroy the military from the inside.

For all of you who thought that the repeal of DADT was no big deal…now you know. Thanks a lot.

Michael in MI

The repeal of DADT is an important foot in the door. In no time, we’ll be overturning states’ popularly determined marriage laws, AND we’ll have the added bonus of getting a liberal constituency group in the military. What an asset this will be when we want to disrupt and destroy the military from the inside.

For all of you who thought that the repeal of DADT was no big deal… now you know.


And this was never about what was/is best for the military. It was always about what was best for the LGBT movement.

However, I will only correct you that they are already destroying the military from the inside. First with the military leader who said losing diversity in the military would be more tragic than 10+ soldiers murdered by a Muslim, then now with this DADT repeal. The military-hating liberals are already inside the military destroying it, just as they have every other organization in this nation: grammar schools, high schools, universities, MF-ing media, Hollywood, government, healthcare industry, etc. Now they are inside the military and are working to destroy that too.

Merry f-ing Christmas!

Doc Bailey

It goes to show that expecting consistency from a liberal is a losing proposition. DADT wasn’t important at all. The repeal wasn’t about the “poor afflicted” gays, it was about taring down the military one more peg, and furthering a step in a Progressive agenda.

One of these days they’re going to implement a truly boneheaded PC policy that will leave us all well and truly fucked.


Doc, “one of these days”? They already have, but then, you know that, mof, about the only ones who don’t know it are Joey Boy, and a couple of his bonehead sycophants.
Joe Bite Me already said that this is the next step in getting gay marriage ok’d. So, Ben’s right. And now, President Ears is on record as saying that his views, once staunchly pro-man/woman marriage, are now “evolving”. Anyone want to bet on where his views will be when they’ve fully “evolved”? Mayhaps a campaign promise to the same crowd in 2012, to just vote dem and normal marriage will go the way of DADT?

Chuck Z

The way I see it, this organization has one goal… Weaking our military. They realize, as do m any currently or who formerly served, that this poxy social expiriment will only serve to weaken our military, therefore, they support it.