Someone You Kinda Know

| December 22, 2010

Yesterday in a very small combat outpost in Afghanistan the theater commander took time to pin a Bronze Star W/V Device and Purple Heart on a young NCO that I know very well; like the day he was born!

Merry Christmas all. While neither of mine can be home this year, this photo made my holidays.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

Congrats to all concerned. Give him my thanks when you get to talk to him again.


Old Tanker

Wow, nice picture! And a nice Christmas present in lieu of actually getting to be home! Tell him thanks for me too!

Old Tanker

Gotta ask about the uni though…I’ve never seen that one before?

Old Trooper

Outstanding, COB6! Tell him congrats and thanks from me, as well.

USMC Steve


What is he waaring? Are those the new Army cammies?

Bob Izzaninja

From my old unit too! Way to go Air Assault!! Congrats! Once again the Screaming Eagles are blazing the trail for others to follow!!


I thought it was just dirty. They all look kinda like that after a few weeks without a change.

Jonn Lilyea

Lucky kid – a career like his father’s with his mother’s looks.


Well done SGT Strickland, damn fine soldierin’.

And well done COB6 and Mrs. COB6 on the great job of offspring raisin’. Merry Christmas to you and all your House!


COB6, how proud you and the Mrs. must be. I’m proud and don’t know either of you. Way to go young SGT!


Honor and Courage

Southern Class

HOOAH!!! And what Jonn said.
Merry Christmas to the Stricklands, wherever they may be, and to all the rest here at TAH, even you Army Sergeant! Looking forward to 2011.


HOOAH! Congratulations.


MultiCam I believe, and BZ to that young NCO.


Congrats. keeping your son in our prayers.


To Sgt Strickland, thank you for your service and example. To COB6 and family, people like your son give me hope for the future of this country.


Well done, Sergeant. Bravo Zulu.