Obama still hasn’t learned his lesson

| July 28, 2008

How soon they forget. Barack Obama and the Democrats have forgotten how we spent billions of dollars in the eighties keeping Saddam Hussein in his box. How many times were our aircraft enforcing the No-Fly Zone attacked by surface-to-air missiles? At least twice, Hussein rattled his saber during the 90s and caused the Clinton Administration to send troops to Kuwait to man the prepositioned equipment we had there to protect the Kuwaitis. Not to mention missile attacks on Iraq proper to punish his assassination attempts or destroy his weapons labs.

Iraq was the right war, but at the wrong time…Hussein should have been punished in 1991 when COB6 and I sat near the banks of Euphrates poised and equipped to rumble into Baghdad. But, Obama still insists it was the wrong war;

 “Our military is stretched extraordinarily because of trying to fight two wars at the same time, and so my job, as the next commander in chief, is going to be to make a decision what is the right war to fight and how do we fight it. And I think that we should have been focused on Afghanistan from the start,” [Obama] said.

Two wars? Afghanistan and Iraq are part and parcel of the same war. Remember that some al Qaeda fighters busted ass for Iraq when the Taliban fell – including al-Zarqawi the first leader of al Qaeda in Iraq. All of these motor-mouths who claim we should have focused on Afghanistan instead of Iraq, I’d like them to tell me how we should have focused on Afghanistan more. They easily criticize how our resources should have been in Afghanistan…what resources? How, exactly, would they have done it differently? I’d like to see an alternate plan.

President Bush criticized the Democrats for shooting off their mouths in the 2004 election without offering any alternatives…they still take the easy path and no one demands from them answers to the questions their empty platitudes raise.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Media, Phony soldiers, Politics, Terror War

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I carried an article on the RochesterConservative.com blog by a guy who posts as MNJohnnie on Free Republic. We couldn’t leave Saddam Hussein’s regime in power while taking on Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan. I do agree that we should have taken Saddam out in 1991. Here’s a link to the article from MNJohnnie:

Why Iraq?

Oh yeah, Obama doesn’t have a friggin’ clue and won’t admit that he was wrong for opposing the Surge. That guy would be a disaster as CiC, worst than Carter!

509th Bob

Don’t forget that, under President Reagan, the U.S. Army had 16 divisions, but that Clinton reduced that to 10 in 1993. So, if the Army is “stretched extraordinarily,” who caused that? But, to be fair, President Bush (43) should have corrected that problem before now.


The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are most definitely intertwined. Even before 9/11, al-Qaeda’s franchise in Iraq, Ansar al-Islam, had set up a base of operations in Iraqi Kurdistan – with the full knowledge and participation of Saddam’s Tikriti mafia – that served as a training base for terrorists and a safe haven for the jihadis fleeing the invasion of Afghanistan. Reportedly, Ansar’s third in command and chief of operations was Colonel Saadan Mahmoud Abdul Latif al Aani (a.k.a., Abu Wa’il), a senior officer in the Iraqi Mukhabarat who took orders directly from Saddam and Qusay Hussein. Abu Wa’il was in charge of recruiting, organizing and providing passports for jihadis imported from al Qaeda clusters in Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Yemen, Egypt and Lebanon to train at the infamous Salman Pak terrorist facility and join Ansar al-Islam’s forces who were actively fighting Saddam’s PUK enemies in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Besides AQ’s presence in Iraq prior to the invasion of March 2003, another inconvenient fact that anti-war Leftists avoid is that the information that led to the 2004 FBI sting operation against Yassin Muhhiddin Aref and Mohammed Mosharref Hossain in Albany, NY was discovered at Ansar al-Islam’s base in Iraqi Kurdistan. Aref’s name, telephone number and address were found in a book that was discovered at Ansar’s base after the Peshmerga and US Special Forces overran their camp in March 2003. The book also revealed that Aref was a “commander” within Ansar al-Islam. In 2006, Aref was convicted of money laundering, conspiracy, and attempting to provide material support and resources to a terrorist organization, and was sentenced to serve 15 years in federal prison.


All the information you need to know on the who’s and why’s of the war in Iraq.


From the great article that Scrapiron linked:

David Horowitz stated:

If UN did not enforce the resolutions that Saddam had violated, the United States would do so in its stead. Jimmy Carter and Al Gore marked the occasion by publicly attacking their own president for putting such pressure on Saddam Hussein. This was the beginning of the Democratic campaign to sabotage an American war in progress, which has continued without letup ever since.

This statement says it all and sums up what I believe as well. Carter, Gore and the left has tried to sabotage an American war in progress and this needs to be shouted from the mountain tops! Despite this sabotage, we are winning and the left is in denial, including Obamessiah. They couldn’t snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, as they did with Vietnam!


“Our military is stretched extraordinarily because of trying to fight two wars at the same time, and so my job, as the next commander in chief, is going to be to make a decision what is the right war to fight and how do we fight it.”

What if the enemy doesn’t want to fight one war at a time you clown…


rochester_veteran, they can still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Look for Hussein O to surrender the moment the takes office and allow millions of Iraqi’s to be slaughtered. They did it in Vietnam and the blood of millions on their hands doesn’t seem to bother them. Then they admit they aren’t ‘believers’ in anything so their final destination is pre-determined. Talk about global warming, the fires of hell will roar and heat the earth when people like Gore, Reid, Peeloshi, Turbin Durbin, Hussein O, and the Kennedy’s hit the fire wide open.


Scrapiron Said:

rochester_veteran, they can still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Look for Hussein O to surrender the moment the takes office and allow millions of Iraqi’s to be slaughtered. They did it in Vietnam and the blood of millions on their hands doesn’t seem to bother them

That’s why I started my blog. I’m trying to get the word out, not only on just Obama, but also the socialist/communist left that’s trying to hijack our country. Obama is their candidate.

Mark E

Great post and site!!


Mark E – I see the video at your website confirms the information in my post (#3): http://regimeofterror.com/archives/2007/08/detainee_talks_of_terror_camp_1/ Investigator: What organization do you belong to? Abed: Ansar Al-Islam. Investigator: What organization is this? Abed: It is Bin-Laden’s group. ON BIN LADEN’S AL-QAEDA TRAINING CAMPS IN FALLUJAH UNDER SADDAM ?Abed: Our Ansar Al-Islam military camps were in Halabja. Investigator: This was in the days of the previous regime? Abed: Yes. Jonathan Schanzer of Middle East Quarterly wrote an outstanding article in 2004 on Ansar al-Islam, which detailed the rise of this al-Qaeda affiliate and its ties to the Hussein regime here: http://www.meforum.org/article/579 I have links to other articles written by various other journalists providing details on al Qaeda’s presence in Iraq prior to the March 2003 invasion, as well as the Hussein regime’s intimate ties to AQ’s affiliate, Ansar al-Islam: Speaking Truth to “Anti-War” Lies Part I: Al Qaeda and Saddam in Pre-Invasion Iraq http://americanpatriotcouncilblog.blogspot.com/2008/05/speaking-truth-to-preacenik-lies-aq-in.html Another great article on the rationele behind the war is Christopher Hitchens’ “Fallujah”, which was written right after the murder and desecration of the corpses of 4 US contractors in April 2004: Excerpt: “There must be a temptation, when confronted with the Dantesque scenes from Fallujah, to surrender to something like existential despair. The mob could have cooked and eaten its victims without making things very much worse. One especially appreciated the detail of the heroes who menaced the nurses, when they came to try and remove the charred trophies. But this “Heart of Darkness” element is part of the case for regime-change to begin with. A few more years of Saddam Hussein, or perhaps the succession of his charming sons Uday and Qusay, and whole swathes of Iraq would have looked like Fallujah. The Baathists, by playing off tribe against tribe, Arab against Kurd and Sunni against Shiite, were preparing the conditions for a Hobbesian state of affairs. Their looting and beggaring of the state and the society–something about which we now possess even more painfully exact information–was having the same effect. A broken and maimed and traumatized Iraq was in our future no matter… Read more »



Nothing like comparing notes…

Please feel free to contact me at rochester_veteran@yahoo.com

I hope you don’t mind if I link your blog.



RV –
Sounds great. I’ll be in touch shortly.

By the way, Mark E.’s website is smokin’ – great stuff on Saddam’s ties to AQ.


Thanks for the heads-up on Mark E.’s website, I’ll be visiting.