VFP withholds chump change from Amazon, Ebay and PayPal

| December 13, 2010

Those billionaire hippie dregs over at Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands released a statement last week announcing that they were boycotting Amazon, Ebay and PayPal because those entities were shutting down their connections to Wikileaks;

Yesterday, the Executive Committee of Veterans For Peace voted to break all commercial ties with the Amazon Corporation and call for our members to boycott eBay Corp. and PayPal Corp. This includes, but is not limited to,

* Removing the Amazon link from the VFP website. Previously we had encouraged our members to use this link when making purchases from Amazon Corp., as a fundraising method for our organization.
* Urging our members, supporters and the public to boycott Amazon, eBay and PayPal corporations.
* Urging Julian Assange and the Wikileaks team to continue their fight in the most important area of free speech: government secrets.

I have to chuckle at the thought that the hippies at VFP think that the pennies they spend at those companies will have any real effect. Hippies don’t have any money, they’re still wearing the same clothes they wore in the sixties. The rumor is that Bill perry and War Reilly share their underwear.

In the meantime, This Ain’t Hell fully supports Amazon and PayPal and will continue to have our links running to those folks.

The statement from VFP continues to complain that the Justice Department is planning on using the Espionage Act against Assange. In fact, they complain that the Wilson Administration used the Espionage Act to silence Eugene V Debs. it must not have worked too well because Debs, the communist provocateur, ran for president of the United States in 1920 while he was in prison for violations of the Espionage Act. By the way, the violations, 10 counts, were related to his urgings of resistance to the draft during WWI.

The VFP statement ends thusly;

VFP gave imprisoned Army PFC, Bradley Manning, its Courage of Conscience award earlier this year for releasing documents detailing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Resistance to the attack on WikiLeaks and Assange is also growing and VFP considers it important to do what we can to join that resistance.

Bradley Manning was mad because his boyfriend broke up with him. That’s real courage. I’m glad that VFP pines with Manning in his unrequited amorous affairs. I hear he’s missing a Lady Gaga CD, maybe VFP can dig deep and buy him a new one…but not from Amazon.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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I’m anxiously awaiting the mental health-based legal defense of Manning that will effectively render all these accolades a null set.


This is just LMAO off kind of funny. Supporting a treasonous little punk and his ‘Mentor’!! When will these people get it? Oh. My bad. They never will. Huh. How ’bout that?

Frankly Opinionated

“Courage of Conscience award”, What a phucking hoot! That award and a quarter will let you use any parking meter on main street.
Thanks Jonn, for the continued comedy. With things as they are in the world, you are a welcome sight over morning coffee, Right up there with “Day by Day”, and “Delta Bravo Sierra”.
And thanks to the VFP Phreaks for being the center of attraction.

Old Tanker

I can do the Amazon link but not the other one that goes to Markos Mousepenis’s book….


Oh shit, ranger Reilly wont be able to read about real Rangers now, like those that ACTUALLY served in Vietnam.


THANK YOU for posting this! I love your blog!!

Common Cents

Just A Grunt

Did Pay Pal and Soldiers Angels ever come to a meeting of the minds over the suspension of their account for raffling off a firearm?

Doc Bailey

Oh my! whatever will Amazon and Paypal do?

I’m going to laugh my ass off when they do not figure out an alternate system to fleece money out of people to keep their Org going.


I wonder if their the ones that devised the panhandling technique? One other thought could be that Perry wants “face” time with Manning?


I just ordered a thermostat from Amazon…cha-ching.