Berkeley to honor spying traitor

| December 8, 2010

Of course, I really didn’t have to name the city council location did I?

The council is expected to vote Tuesday on the resolution in support of Pfc. Bradley Manning, who is being held in a military brig. The resolution already has been approved by the city’s Peace and Justice Commission.

Bob Meola, the peace and justice commissioner who wrote the resolution, said Manning is a patriot and should get a medal.

They voted to boot Marine recruiters and to give Bradley Manning a medal. Isn’t there a flush handle on that place yet?

Thanks to Tman for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos

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Old Trooper

Jeezus f-ing christ!!!

What the hell is wrong with those people? (yes, that’s a rhetorical question. We know they are all completely fucked up)

Doc Bailey

while we’re at it, let’s give a merit badge to Charlie Manson. Joey Stalin was a great guy, I mean he had a bushy mustache how bad could he be? Its not like the NVA killed 10 times the number of civilians the US did. So long as they stand against the evil nasty US they CAN’T possibly be wrong.


Ha! They have a “peace and justice commissioner”.

Someday I really want to go there and get pictures taken around town while carrying an ACOG.


Just once, I’d like to see them on the receiving end of some of the things they support.

Of course, if the Taliban ever got hold of someone from Berkeley, they’d probably beg us to take them back in short order.


Like Pinto, I’ve often wondered how one of these “enlightened” dipshits would fare if faced with the reality of what they support. It fluctuates between watching them lie in a puddle of pee as they have their heads removed by “oppressed brown people” or see them completely sell out their nation and embrace jihad…frankly, most of them aren’t too far off from the latter as it is.

Adirondack Patriot

First of all, Bradley Manning should be executed post haste for treason. The longer he lives, the more he becomes a cause célèbre. We need to liberate him from his lifelong addiction to liberalism and oxygen.

Second of all, WTF is a “peace and justice commissioner”?


The only city in America San Francisco can look at and say, “Can you believe those Assholes”!

Doc Bailey

Is it bad when you want to disown your own home state?

Old Tanker

Line of the night GruntSgt!!!


Maybe it’s something in the water?

But ya know UCB has a festering sore on the ass of America for decades.

Still there, still spewing crap, etc. That the City Council has been infected is something for the epidemiologists to study. The result will probably be that Jonn is a primary vector?

GruntSgt: I think I hurt myself laughing at #7

Southern Class

Would we expect anything more/less of those in Berzerkeley?


Not sure what’s in the water out there but I am guessing if I went there and drank some I would fail the UA.

B Woodman

War is peace. Lies are truth.
Orwellian doublespeak. George would be SO proud.

I feel an urgent need for a double dose of that time-honored remedy, FuckItAll. Arrggghhh!


So predictable.


But this is the People’s Republic of Bezerkeley. We expect this kind of behavior up there. I mean, really…the place is littered with old, nearly-dead hippies and new, barely employable ones. Keep tabs on their local rag, The Daily Planet for more info. No doubt, it’ll be there.

Doc Bailey

#13 ACTUALLY when you look at words like “Tolerance” and “social justice” and “fairness” their usage is far more “Orwellian” that anything yet seen on this blog.

I ended out in WV because the thought of going through the UC system (and trying NOT to strangle every Prof I met) sounded like a nightmare. There are some here that are pretty bad, but. . . what can you do?


Ohh to have Berkeley have first hand knowledge of real Terrorism, so those Old Bolshies understand what they support



Now we are supposed to give out medals for treason?! What would be an appropriate design? There could be a place where the number of people who died because of the wearer could be displayed. That would be appropriate.

They can give him as many medals as they want, as long as they pin them on with an M-16, A-4, or any other appropriate pinning device.

Marooned in Marin

Here’s to wishing Berkeley would just fall off the North American contient and just become it’s own island of insanity off the coast.

I happened to find, after web searches, that this Peace and Justice head hippie who wrote the language of the resolution, Bob Meola, is a former SDSer. He’s photographed at an SDS reunion with none other than Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.


Sean….#17…..I’m serious, they would hold no anamosity toward those that would blow them up. They would blame it on Bush and the terrorist/capitalist United States.

#7 Grunt! Still wiping coffee off the screen!


What do you expect from a city where the primary demographic is Communist homosexual. It sure aint God’s country.


How would they react? Well, IIRC, when some swarthy characters looked cross-eyed at Medea Benjamin, she went running down the street screaming, “Marines!!! MARINES!!!”

Pretty much says it all right there.