Hey! Some lies have merit, ya know!

| December 8, 2010

Walter Nelson Lewis Jr was just out one night exercising his right to free speech and demonstrating to the world that some lies have merit, when suddenly his freedoms were intruded upon by the police…and reality;

The documents said police were called around 1 a.m. on Nov. 17 for a reported assault. When police arrived, Lewis claimed to be Rep. Jack Kingston, a Georgia Republican. He told officers he wasn’t actually touched in the alleged assault.

Lewis said he didn’t have identification and told officers his late uncle who was a member of Congress gave him the (Congressional ID) pin. Police determined Lewis’ real identity and arrested him. The pin was confirmed to be authentic.

He would have skated if he’d been wearing Army greens and eight-star general rank and if he’d been handing out challenge coins. But impersonate a Congressman…well, we can’t have that shit. He must be nuts, though – who’d impersonate a Republican in DC?

Thanks to Just A Grunt for the link.

Category: Congress sucks

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Doc Bailey

Woops! Wait its a crime to lie about being in the House or Senate, but its somehow ok to lie about earning decorations you didn’t earn? how strangely inconsistent.


I actually find myself hoping Joe or his ilk show up and try to explain this away. It would make for good entertainment.


The article didn’t state that he was charged with impersonating a Congressman. It said he was charged with “unlawful possession of a congressional pin, a symbol that allows members to bypass Capitol security.” There is a difference.

Doc Bailey

The difference is a technicality at best. Also I might add: HE SAID HE WAS REP KINGSTON. Last I checked THAT IS a federal offense.


You can’t explain that to the liberal douche above who thinks everyone is a victim.


Why would he not be charged with it then?


@ROS, who are you calling a liberal douche? Fucking moron.


I was referring to the man in the article, but if it strikes a nerve with you, too, far be it from me to refuse you your innominate keyboard ninjery.


Oh, I see. I apologize then. I have issues.


An entire subscription. 🙂


That was unnecessary…



Doc Bailey

You know I have a GREAT idea. how about we arrest the current congress for numerous financial inconsistencies. I mean we CAN do that to the head of a major corporation, can we also do that to congress?