Red Cross: Only a political solution can work.

| December 3, 2010

Recently the International Red Cross put out this statement in regards to Afghanistan.

Jakob Kellenberger says the spread of violence to more parts of the country has forced the International Committee of the Red Cross to open five new offices in Afghanistan since 2009.

The aid group expects Afghanistan to be the single biggest item in its 1.2 billion Swiss francs ($1.2 billion) budget for next year.

Kellenberger says only “a political solution” can improve the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan ten years after the U.S.-led invasion to topple the Taliban.

Now I would like to know what they are considering as a political solution considering the corruption that is present in the Afghanistan government. If it got the money how would it would handle attacks to aid workers in Afghanistan. If you are not going to have a plan to protect your aid workers that finding funds to go over their is going to be the least of your worries.

Also when the Red Cross gave medical aid to those that are responsible for attacking aid workers or having any indications of stopping it people get upset.

The international Red Cross said Wednesday it would continue giving first aid training and kits to Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, despite drawing angry e-mails from around the world and criticism from an Afghan official after the practice was publicized.

So if you donate to the Red Cross there is a good chance your writing a check right over to the Taliban. So I can imagine that people might think twice about giving you money.

The International Committee of the Red Cross is asking donors for an unprecedented 1.2 billion Swiss francs ($1.2 billion) to fund its humanitarian work next year.

The aid group justifies the 12 percent increase over last year’s appeal by saying that conflict situations are getting more complicated.

Well keeping the fighters that are making the IEDs, suicide bombings and other attacks in the fight might have something to do with it?

Category: Terror War

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Doc Bailey

there comes a point when “First do no harm” is adhered to in a way that you end up causing harm down the road. TECHNICALLY the Red Cross is right. Of course I could TECHNICALLY kill hundreds of Afghan civilians in legitimate military operations simply because I adhered to certain military doctrine.

Being the “good” guy requires more than just being nice to everybody


Do not confuse the clowns at the International Committee of the Red Cross with the American Red Cross. Your donations to the American Red Cross go to helping your fellow Americans in time of need. It is also the same American Red Cross that provides a means for families at home to rapidly notify their deployed loved ones and the chain of command about major family events, such as illnesses and deaths that might warrant emergency leave.


TopGoz is absolutely correct: American Red Cross is NOT the International Red Cross. Don’t let this keep you from donating to the American Red Cross, who spends their money here in America (or on our military bases around the world).

I would NEVER donate to the IRC… but the ARC?? Absolutely. Every year.

AW1 Tim

Well, in my personal experience, the Salvation Army here in Maine is light-years more deserving than the American Red Cross of your donations.

The SA here has been on-scene and providing assistance when the ARC is still driving around assessing need.


AW1 Tim

Oh, and as for the article, a political solution works only when BOTH parties want it to work. When one party will lie and/or do whatever they feel like to gain dominance, then political solutions are worthless, and most often more savage than continuing the fighting.


My dad, a WWII vet, refused to support the Red Cross. Reason? He was one of the combat soldiers that the Red Cross SOLD donuts and coffee to. He never forgot that.

Political solutions mixed with war operations will do two things: undermine our military operations and get aid workers and civilians killed.

As far as I’m concerned, the Red Cross is aiding and abetting the enemy.


The second most dangerous place in the world, the first being in between chucky shumer and a camera, is between the Red Cross and a camera. the first thing they do on arrival at any disaster is send out press releases telling everyone how great they are. I give my money to The Salvation Army. I’m not sure but I’m pretty confident that the Commander of the Salvation Army earns a little less that the $447,000 the president of the Red Cross gets.


By the way, The Internationa Red Cross/ Red Crescent is NOT affiliated with the American Red Cross. Two different animals. Do Not give money to the IRC/RC.


You do realize that the US government made the Red Cross charge soldiers for coffee and donuts, right? It was not their decision.


No, AFSister, I wasn’t. And neither was my father, apparently; he always put the blame at the door of the RC.

If you have a link of any kind, I would appreciate it.


AFSister–I’ve got my own horror stories in dealing with the Red Cross, specifically with them refusing to deal with my need for Emergency Leave at one point for an immediate family member. Couple that with the shit they pulled after 9/11 (along with United Way) and neither organization gets much of my support.