Double-amputee vet arrested for stalking Westboro fags

| December 3, 2010

Ryan Newell, a veteran who lost both of his legs in 2008 while serving in Afghanistan was arrested in Marion, KA for stalking members of the Westboro “Baptist” Church Klan this week while in possession of an M4 carbine, a Glock .45 caliber pistol, and a .38 caliber S&W pistol. According to the charges filed against him, he also represented himself as a police officer when he was approached by LEOs while Newell was observing WBC members from his van.

According to the Wichita Eagle these are all misdemeanors, but I’m pretty sure the gun charges and the stalking charges will keep him from getting a CCW permit in Kansas, a “shall issue” state, something that would have helped him avoid three of those charges.

The 26-year-old should have known that the the Westboro fags will file charges against anyone who does anything the least bit threatening to them. In fact, there’s about seven Phelps listed as witnesses against Newell along with an equal number of LEOs on the charge sheet.

I hope the judge shows some sort of leniency for this young trooper, but let it serve as a lesson that no matter how much we hate these clowns, the only way they’ll go away is to ignore them.

Thanks to Just Plain Jason and Marilyn for the link.

Category: General Whackos

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Old Trooper

Maybe someone could bring stalking charges against the westboro fags at a funeral?? Maybe harrassment charges? If they can bring charges against an individual for watching them, because they say he “targeted” a specific person, then the same should be able to be applied to them for “targeting” the family and mourners at funerals?

Old Tanker

Maybe his defense attorney can argue that he was “protesting” the westboro fags…

USMC Steve

It should go to trial. I seriously doubt there would be a conviction against the guy.


Yeah, it should be a two-way street. If they were being stalked, then what is it they do, exactly. If travelling across state lines to “protest”, or more correctly, stalk and harass the family members and friends of a dead soldier, sailor, Marine or Navy or Coast Guard member, isn’t an actionable offense, then what is?


[…] over at TAH has a post on this too with a slightly different,less hot-blooded take on […]

The Sniper

The only people putting the WBC at risk of their safety is the WBC themselves. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

AW1 Tim

What sniper says. Anything that happens to them is, IMHO, a self-inflicted wound.

Go ahead….. keep poking that dog with a stick…….

Army Sergeant

Does this guy have a legal defense fund?

Laughing Wolf

AS, if not, we need to start one.

Chuck Z

THE WBC will go away when it becomes too painful for them to continue, or they are all dead. These “people” are the worst kind of attention whores, and their antics will only get more severe if they are ignored. They won’t just “go away.” They DEMAND your attention, much in the way that a labrador retriever demands your attention, but not in the good way that makes you want to scritch them behind the ears, but in the way that the lab MUST BE PETTED or it won’t stop bugging you.

The way to neuter the WBC is akin, also, to the way dogs must be neutered–you cut them off of the body. We, as a society, need to cut them off the body. Remove, discard, and destroy with fire to ensure they don’t infect anyone.


This is one legal defense fund started for him.

B Woodman

Maybe Ryan can claim his First Amendment rights as a reason.
Hey! If it works for the WBC . . . . .


These Westboro assholes will continue raising hell until people stop paying attention to them. I know they’re infuriating, but we have to understand that they are trying to rile people up. As long as we let ourselves be riled, they will continue to cause a stir. I feel sorry for Ryan because he must have been through hell. But at least Ryan’s hell may be looking up. The Westboro gang will forever remain in hell once they finally get there. Hard as it is, the best way to see these idiots silenced is to meet them with silence. By the way, Ryan isn’t the only amputee recently victimized. A double amputee in South Africa had to sue to participate in an elite world running marathon. The morons he’s competing with actually tried to keep him out because his false legs give him an ‘unfair advantage’. The outrage of that speaks for itself.

Marlin Enslen

Gotta learn more about this. How can I contact you?


Carrier pigeon is the best way. If you’re west of WV, have the bird fly east. If, east, have it go west. If south…i think you get the idea now. Another good method of contact is to rent a billboard on I-70 around Frederick. Either direction is good. Last method: Rent a biplane, have it fly over the Eastern Panhandle generally and have it trail a banner with a bullseye on it. He’ll find you.


BTW, @14 is a spammer.