TSA employee abducts, rapes passenger

| November 26, 2010

Randall Scott King, a 49-year-old TSA employee, abducted and sexually assaulted a woman who he offered to drive home from a transportation point near Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. From CNN;

Police in west Georgia found a wounded Transportation Security Administration officer at his home after a woman said the man kidnapped and sexually assaulted her, then gave her a suicide note to deliver, authorities said Tuesday.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that TSA employees are all pervs with the potential to commit this kind of crime, but their hiring practices leave something to be desired. It turns out that Randall Scott King had a record before he was hired by the TSA according to Atlanta’s WSBTV;

A spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration said privacy laws precluded him from releasing any background information on King.

Channel 2 Action News reporter Tom Regan reviewed court records from Clinton County, Pennsylvania. According to the records, King was charged with nine offenses of harassment and stalking by communication in January 2001. A court clerk told Regan that King pleaded guilty and spent three months in jail for skipping a court appearance.

Hiring King didn’t violate any hiring prerequisites, but it should. Especially in light of the new “security” procedures that TSA has foisted on the traveling public. Not that TSA employees might all decide to become pervs suddenly, but if the TSA wants to inspire a bit of confidence, they might want to scrub people out of their ranks with a history like this. Especially nine counts of stalking.

Category: Politics

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Mark Mitchell

With protection like this, what do we need to worry about Islamic Terrorists for?

Michael in MI

I read a good comment on an article I read recently about this TSA “security” nonsense:

“It seems completely asinine that we assume everybody who gets on a plane could be a terrorist, while simultaneously assuming everybody who illegally crosses the border just wants to be a housemaid.”

And that is what irritates me about all those who say “if you don’t like the new security, then don’t fly!” There are even some idiots here in SE Michigan on the morning show on 97.1FM The Ticket (which is *supposed* to be a Sports Talk radio station) spouting this line and calling anyone who complains about the security to be idiots, morons, etc. These ignorant tools fail to see the big picture: this is NOT about security, it is about control.

If the government were truly interested in security, they would have a wall at our borders and would have TSA doing these “security” screenings to everyone crossing our borders. But they’re not. And not only are they not doing that, they refuse to secure the border at all.

More deference and respect is given to illegal aliens than is given to American citizens.

The fact that so many people do not see this big picture is even more irritating to me than the TSA crap itself. Because the TSA/government can only get away with this crap with the consent of We, the People. That so many people are consenting to this without a second thought is depressing.

Adirondack Patriot

Here’s more proof of TSA’s Excellence and Professionalism:


Feel safe yet?

Michael in MI

And yet another example showing this is simply “security theater” about control and not about actual security:

Many other concerns of pilots are addressed in the article. For example, the TSA is apparently doing nothing about threats posed by airport workers who have access to planes beyond security checkpoints. The fact that they’re not patting-down baggage workers or emptying and X-raying the contents of food delivery trucks outside the view of the traveling public is further proof current security measures are merely Security Theater.


Why no background checks for the people who are supposed to keep us safe from air terror and have been given clearance to see us naked and fondle our private parts, TSA?

The Old One

Now the TSA is advertising job openings on pizza boxes…I REALLY feel safe now…www.myfoxdc.com


Weird as My TSA investigation even wanted the name and contact info for the Bn Surgeon who worked on me when I was Wounded in 2005. I had to find a Former Boss for them as the department had been downsized in 97, not easy to do.

I still didnt get in, after all that.

AW1 Tim

It’s especially aggravating since the 9/11 terrorists all had their box cutters and fake bombs pre-positioned for them on the aircraft by maintenance/cleaning workers.

As I have said before, dismatle and eliminate the TSA and allow the airlines to install whatever level of security THEY feel comfortable with. The public will make their owhn choices as to which level/airline is to their standards, and choose accordingly.

Allowing the markets to work like that is a far better solution than the blatant power grab currently in place.


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Dave Thul

Cavuto on Friday was saying that TSA had help wanted posters on pizza boxes in New York City. Considering the economy and current unemployment, that’s a sure sign of desperation.


You should have seen the process I went through to hire on with the Air Force at Edwards AFB. And I am just a crew chief, nothing fancy about the job. Hell. My finances and family were investigated. And I have an honorable background. Including twenty years in the Navy.
But during a layoff in 02-03 at an aircraft plant in Kansas, the TSA would not hire me or other guys who retired from the Armed Forces. Hmmmmm.


I’m pretty much with AW1, HOWEVER…….I worked for a contract company for Delta Airlines shortly after I transferred to the Fleet Reserve back in 95. Two MAJOR problems with this company; 1.) They didn’t pay for shit, so we got a lot of mediocre people; & 2.) They didn’t screen for shit, so WHO the hell knows what kind of people we were getting?? I know that at least two of my subordinates were felons. Another was Somali. Seemed like a nice enough guy, but….. who knows about him? I DO know that he always worked the midnight shift and primarily re-stocked the aircraft. We’ve all heard about “Little Somalia” in Minneapolis, if we’ve been tuned in.

I eventually left that job because of the pay. Here I was, responsible for the afternoon shift, tow qualified, APU qualified, brake rider qualified, and Operations qualified. They did NOTHING to retain good people. During the summer, attendance was marginal because people wanted to enjoy the summer or it was too hot to work. Nothing like managing a shift with half of the crew one was supposed to have!! The station manager for DAL was sad to see me go, but what was he to do?

I DO agree that we should allow the airlines to control their aircraft & ground crews, but they need to be subjected to some fairly strict rules and spot checking.


The TSA makes you fill out an SF-86. How the hell did they miss a conviction, when you have to put down incredible details on all of your jobs, crimes, places of residence, etc for the past 10 years?


Jesus–I got my ass crawled up worse when I went for my six weeks of outage at a nuke plant in Iowa–one owned by THE COMPANY I WORK FOR, nevermind the fact I already work for a nuke plant.

I look at it this way–if they can’t stand up to the same screening they’re subjecting people to, WTF are they getting hired for? McD’s full up this week?