Ungrateful dick arrested in bomb plot

| November 27, 2010

Fox News reports that a Somali-born teenager was arrested in a bomb plot to blow up a crowd attending a Christmas tree lighting in Portland, Oregon last night;

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, was arrested at 5:40 p.m. Friday just after he dialed a cell phone that he thought would set off the blast but instead brought federal agents and police swooping down on him.

Yelling “Allahu Akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great!” — Mohamud tried to kick agents and police after he was taken into custody, according to prosecutors.

“The threat was very real,” said Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon. “Our investigation shows that Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on a very grand scale,”

So apparently, this guy’s parents brought him to the US so they could escape the endless violence in Somalia and was raised in peace and tranquility in the Northwest, now he wants to kill us. What could have possibly make him so ungrateful, if it isn’t his religion?

He says he’s been thinking about a plot like this since he was 15 and the FBI says he came to their attention when he exchanged emails with an unindicted co-conspirator in Pakistan.

“This defendant’s chilling determination is a stark reminder that there are people – even here in Oregon – who are determined to kill Americans,” [U.S. Attorney Dwight] Holton said.

Yeah, so we need to find out how became radicalized and attack the root of the problem. I have a chilling determination of my own.

Category: Terror War

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oh noooo it’s not his religion…


Dooche bag Woopie Goldberg walks off her TV show because O’Reilly said “Muslims attacked us on 9/11.” She was on his show the other night and O’Reilly asked her if Japanese attacked us on Dec.7th. She said…now wait for it….”No, their Air Force did”. I’m sure she will deny this asshat’s a friggin’ Moslem. ACLU will probably defend him claiming entrapment. Wish they still had firing squads.


This is so easy. Somebody, please, arrange for an interview of the clerics at the local mosque. Obtain a copy of the Hamas Covenant, and read choice bits and pieces to them on camera. Ask them if they agree with that document.

Here’s a copy. http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp

This is a real contract, one of several by the Muslim Brotherhood. It has been in effect since 1988.

Adirondack Patriot

Call Napolitano. It’s another militant Methodist who bitterly clings to guns.


Yeah, another disciple of the “religion of peace”. How about we let him do about 30-40 years, then ship his skinny ass back to Somalia.

Junior AG

“then keel-haul his skinny ass back to Somalia.”
Fixed it for ya!


Thanks for the correction JAG, and it’ll be vocational training for the dirtbag.


But don’t you know it is all the FBI’s fault.

Got this in a email.

The US Government will do anything to keep the American people in fear, and to justify taking away our 4th amendment rights, such as the body scanners, and the aggressive body searches at the air ports. Even if it means illegal entrapment, and setting people up.

Uber Pig

Meh. Maybe religion played a part. Maybe it didn’t. But eve if it did, was it necessarily the decisive part? Dylan Klebold and his buddy weren’t motivated by religion, just craziness and hate.

— Uber Pig


Klebold and Harris didn’t scream “Allahu Akbar!”


Ok gang, been on vacation had to go visit my woman (Melony). Saw this while there with her and simply got to say somethin’. “Mohamed Osman Mohamud” – This dude is pooched from the start…I think it’s a co-relation of first and last name.
He’s certainly not an Osman (lol) but boy he sure is up to his neck in the mud now. How’s that Mohamud working our for ya now, kid?


Sporkmaster–can you find the originator of that e-mail? I seriously feel the need to throat-punch something all of a sudden.

Someone needs to use this as a “teachable moment” to explain to the asshat in question that if someone expresses a desire to commit an illegal act, acting UNDERCOVER to see how far this asshat will go is not “entrapment”. Just like idiots who think asking vice cops, “Are you a cop?” when they’re trolling for hookers is somehow a, “Get out of jail free,” card.


NHSparky, it’s part of a screed from a commenter or article on the website FireDogLake. I’m not surprised to see it as an e-mail.


This is from facebook, I have got one better, check this out.

Bander Althaqil
It is not the US goverment who will do anything to keep Americans in fear! It is the Internal Jewish Zionist Mafia within the US goverment, who practice this mechanisim to keep Americans in fear and in rage to blind them from the truth and ……keep them in hate against a fake enemy (divide and conqure). It is an essential part of a big scheme, to keep people in the dark about the so called “AlQaeda threat” or the 9/11 (which was of course an inside job). When people in fear & angry, they are driven away from the truth. The truth that they are preparing nations for a world new order; A police state order! orchestrated by Jewish family elitists; Rockerfellers & bilderberg in the US, and Rothschilds in Europe & of course the Israeli Mossad with the help secret socities (freemasonary and such). just like many other sinister schemes, like the fake Global Enviromental changes (google: HAARP weapon + weather change) & (Haiti + HAARP weapon) , and the stealing of human organs (Goyim Organs in jewish dictionary of course) just like what happened in Haiti after the earthquake – Israeli Hospital transfering human body organs of victims to Israel
But that doesn’t work all the time. There are nations unlike the US, who are familiar of the Jewish peril & their Toya throughout the history. Not all Goyims are stupid!


Spork–please, for the love of Christ and all that is holy, please tell me that was a joke and that someone didn’t mean that seriously.


If it is I am waiting for the puchline.


Yea got this in today.

Bander Althaqil
I’m not surprised to get such an answer. I see many american soliders in military stations in Bahrain, Saudi & Qatar and elsewhere. So young, so healthy, and so very naive. and so prepared to fight and kill. I used to look up to America a…nd thought it was a land of knowledge and freedom, but not after I met those soliders, whos all in their heads is to get drunk, get laid and kill an enemy that doesn’t exist. Only for the sake of Israel, America sends its youth to fight and kill and create hate. I do not expect you do understand. I have given up. I am just telling you to go and make a good deep search and listen to the other side. Perhaps a book called “the syngogue of Satan” or perhaps you go and check “dr david duke on youtube”. No point of arguing now… I think most people in the west are numb and so sucked in the material life….. it really makes no difference wither you believe me or not.

Also he seems to like calling me Goyim

oh yeah, did you find your mass-destruction weaponry or even bin laden? keeping on following your Masters order! be a good Goyim


Did he really just invoke David Duke?


Yep even post a link to the DavidDuke youtube page that takes about the new Wilki leaks.