I agree. Let them stay.

| November 26, 2010

Those Canadians hippies are sticking their noses in our business again. They think that US deserters who have absconded to Canada should be allowed to remain there;

On Thursday, Nov. 18, people from both sides of the border met at the Guild Hall to form the War Resisters Support Campaign of Niagara, Ontario. Joining concerned local residents were members from the Toronto-based War Resisters Support Campaign, including war resister Kimberly Rivera, as well as three members of the Buffalo Chapter of Veterans for Peace. We met in the Guild Hall in Port Colborne, Ontario as guests of Anglican Minister Rev. Rob Hurkmans, who, along with Fort Erie minister Rev. Mark Gladding, has been offering help to Iraq resister Jeremy Brockway and his family, now residents of Port Colborne.

I agree, let them stay. They’ve been bad US citizens, let them live in Canada for the rest of their lives and do nothing for their new homes, too. Those Canadian hippies want to feel good about themselves and stick their collective finger in the eye of US imperialism, let them support these derelicts and their families. Especially deserters like Kimberly Rivera, the baby machine, Corey Glass who isn’t even wanted by the Army, Joshua Key, who makes up stories about the war, Bethany Smith, the lesbian who complains that the military WON’T boot her for DADT.

You’re welcome to ’em, Canada. Why would we want to feed and clothe them for their year in prison. Who needs ’em?

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies

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Yeah, keep ’em, please. And, if you really want to show up the U.S., we’ll make a list of others you can have.

AW1 Tim

In fact, if we could find a way to do so, I bet this country could save BILLIONS by shipping folks TO Canada. Folks who don’t like it here should be encouraged to emigrate, and even if the US Gubbmint picked up the cost of plane tickets and $500 pocket money, I bet we’d still save a huge amount both of money and headaches.


Let Canada keep these candy ass cowards. We should establish a one way gate to make it easier for more of these dregs to go through. Let Canada deal with them on their dole. As an after thought the gate should be designed to hit’em in the ass as they pass through.


#3 GruntSgt:
“As an after thought the gate should be designed to hit’em in the ass as they pass through.”
I’m sorry. I would have to disagree. It should be a revolving door and I would be pleased as pie to kick ’em in the a– on the way back. Thank you very much.


One way pass. Pull all citizenship at the moment they cross the border.

B Woodman

I agree. Let’em go. And keep on going. Never to return.
If they’re that ungrateful, let’em experience life from another point of view.
By the time they see the light (if they ever do), hopefully it will be too late to return.