Vacationing with the Taliban

| November 26, 2010

Spockgirl sends us a link from the Guardian which reports that some Afghans with UK citizenship are joining their brethren in Afghanistan to fight NATO forces;

A Taliban fighter in Dhani-Ghorri in northern Afghanistan last month told the Guardian he lived most of the time in east London, but came to Afghanistan for three months of the year for combat.

“I work as a minicab driver,” said the man, who has the rank of a mid-level Taliban commander. “I make good money there [in the UK], you know. But these people are my friends and my family and it’s my duty to come to fight the jihad with them.”

“There are many people like me in London,” he added. “We collect money for the jihad all year and come and fight if we can.”

Yeah, I wonder how they can justify that to themselves. Living and profiting among the same people whose son’s they’re trying to kill. I also wonder why the Brits haven’t culled these perverts from the herd.

Category: Terror War

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Southern Class

Jonn; You are wondering the impossible. How could they justify that to themselves? It would take a mind that possesses a conscience to have a problem with doing that.
These people are so phucking ignorant, so mentally deprived, that they see nothing wrong with a suicide/murder vest. Nothing wrong with putting that vest on either themselves or their kids.
The Brits cull these turds from the herd? The Brits have caved in to Radical Islam. Their country has been hijacked, as will ours if people don’t lose the political correctness ideology, and get back to the basics that built this great nation.
Why in hell do we let the likes of Code Pink, WBC, and their ilk operate so openly unamerican?