Lessons unlearned, part III

| November 18, 2010

So here we are mired in foreclosure, unemployment at highs not seen in more than two decades, a war, mountains of Chinese-owned debt, rogue nations with nuclear capability, impending tax hikes on workers, the largest dependent class in nearly twenty years, and what does Harry Reid think is so important that it must be resolved in the final weeks of this Congressional session? Gays in the military.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s announcement makes good on his pre-election promise to resurrect legislation that would repeal the 1993 law known as “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

But it remains far from certain whether the legislation would have enough votes to pass. Several leading Republicans, including Sen. John McCain, have said they oppose lifting the ban.

“We need to repeal this discriminatory policy so that any American who wants to defend our country can do so,” Reid said in a statement.

Purely political and absolutely useless. It seems to me that after barely winning reelection, Reid, the draft dodger, would be more concerned about mending the economy, avoiding the tax hikes that take effect in six weeks and working on issues that effect all of America instead of pandering to few misguided and selfish people chained to the White House fence.

Thanks, Nevada, thanks a lot.

Category: Congress sucks

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We tried, dude. I’m pretty sure that Americans voted him out of office, but that illegals in the Unions were the deciding factor.

In Reno, busloads of Culinary and SEIU members were told to vote and taken to the polls. Same in Vegas. These Unions have a very high percentage of illegals and scared for their jobs, they voted for Reid.

I and others have tried in past (under Bush) to get the INS (then) to deal with this, but were told that there were concerns, that our concerns, could be personal vendetta type crap – so nothing got done. Under Obama …?

Until this gets dealt with, this is going to keep happening. That means secure the border with a couple of Divisions and enact draconian penalties for companies employing illegals and if it were up to me, make it a Capital crime to supply fake ID of any form.


“We need to repeal this discriminatory policy so that any American who wants to defend our country can do so,” Reid said in a statement.

Yep, this is exactly what we need. Everyone should be allowed to join the infantry, including 400 lb amputees in wheelchairs.

A Green Beret is a right born to every American. And the Medal of Honor should be given to everyone who dares to make a home here, legal or “undocumented citizen,” but particularly those who wish to run for office or a non-profit that pays their rent.

Serving in the Military should not be restricted to just those who can, but also those that want the glory and paycheck, regardless of their characteristics, physical, moral, or other. Why should the military be able to discriminate against 70 year old women in wheelchairs?

(Yep, it’s dripping in sarcasm.)

USMC Steve

It does not matter if they repeal it or not. There are still a couple of articles in the UCMJ

USMC Steve

My previous post went apeshit on me for some reason.

It does not matter if they do away with it or not – there are several articles in the UCMJ that address directly what happens when one commits homosexual acts while in the armed services. And that is FEDERAL LAW as current. So they will have to repeal the UCMJ or some stupid crap like that and start over again in order to placate the homosexuals who actually want to enter or stay in the services. Like all 100 or so of them. If DADT goes away then more homos will be going to the brig and getting BCD’s so it does not benefit them at all really.


I’m certain the UCMJ will simply be updated to take into account the shift in national morals the same way ‘blue’ laws and other overly invasive morality laws have slowly been making a long overdue exit from the rest of the nation’s legal system. It won’t be the first time the UCMJ has been updated, and it doesn’t require an entire repeal.


Steve, really?

UCMJ sodomy laws apply to specific actions for gay and straight people. How often do you see people charged with it? ALL oral and anal sex is banned. You never engaged in oral sex?

Not to mention it bans the action, not gay people. Being gay doesn’t automatically mean someone is in violation of the sodomy regs anymore than being straight does.

You seem to have no idea what these regs mean or how they even relate to DADT, much like the majority of people who have an opinion about repeal.


Reid doesn’t know what he is talking about, but the post leaves out that he is referring to the NDAA vote. This isn’t a stand alone vote.


Of course it’s not a stand alone vote, it won’t pass if it’s a stand alone vote. So, good ole Dingy Harry will include DADT, and the DREAM Act into the NDAA, hoping it’ll slide through.