Duff: China’s subs off the CA coast

| November 18, 2010

TSO sent me this link because I absolutely refuse to troll Veterans Today for Gordon Duff stories. But today, Duff warns us that the missile we were all so concerned about last week, was, indeed, Chinese and launched from a submarine off of our coast. Now, it’s entirely plausible and it was the first thing I thought of when I read the reports. However,, not for the reasons that Duff posits his crowd of lunatics. Duff reprints a “redacted” email he received;

I am a retired U.S. Navy FireControl Technician, who is platform certified in missile systems XXXXXXXXX, I have also worked with the Navy’s Harpoon, Tomahawk and ASROC missile systems.

Well, that’s all I need to know about his credentials – the fact that Duff redacted the credentials makes me much more comfortable with his opinions. The number of Xs are the same count as “mopbucket”.

I’m fairly confident its not one of ours, as the vapor trail appears “dirty” it looks brownish.

Yeah, the vapor trail appears brownish…like the rest of the sky around it.


So Duff can’t help jumping to conclusions based on this evidence from a random “expert” and his unsolicited email;

A submarine comes approaches America’s heavily guarded coast, through a network of defenses costing billions, and launches an ICBM capable of carrying up to 10 hydrogen bombs, launches the missile 2 minutes from Los Angeles, and we are utterly unaware? This is the same military we trust our children’s lives to?

This is the same military that spent a 9 years hunting for Osama bin Laden, knowing he was dead, hundreds of millions of dollars, endless lives lost, all over a lie. Keeping bin Laden’s death secret is a deception not unlike the phony Yemen bomb scare and the “crotch bomber” last Christmas, “third rate boogeyman” ploys to justify wasted money and airport passenger abuse.

This is the same military that killed 5000 Americans in Iraq over more lies, always known to be lies. Behind the flag waving and patriotic blithering is a pack of greedy incompetents, many religious extremists, most up to their necks in right wing politics and too many willing to send us to war for their own personal reasons. A patriot wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Americas military.

See that? That’s what Duff really wanted to say all along. He didn’t need an unexplained missile launch, he just needed an excuse to cuddle with his merry band of pseudo-intellectuals. He paints with a broad brush all of the people in the military as incompetent anti-Americans. Based on his eighteen months experience in the Marine Corps forty years ago.

As always, the comments are even more weird than Duff.

Category: Usual Suspects

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Yeah…there’s a brown vapor trail alright…


Just a least he didn’t throw in the “Over 1,000,000 civilian deaths” fantasy, which is about the only thing he didn’t throw into his conspiracy shopping cart.


Just a thought–How would a submariner know what a missile contrail looks like. Aren’t they usually submerged a hundred feet or so when they launch? Doesn’t a missile tech look at a computer screen when launching, not looking at the pretty contrail?

Old Trooper

Chemtrails, Jonn, it’s all about the chemtrails!!!!! You need to educate yourself instead of being just another sheeple in the crowd, or would that be herd? I don’t know, I’m just so confused. I need to go to WallyWorld and pick up a fresh roll of tinfoil.


Old Trooper, go to Sam’s Club and by the commercial roll…… it’s cheaper !!

AW1 Tim

Well, I’ve seen actual missile launches, and also test firings of both Poseidon, Minuteman and Trident 1st stage motors. There is no doubt in my mind that that event WAS a missile launch, and NOT an airliner in the distance, yadda yadda yadda. And, regardless of the nationality of the missile, ALL of them (ICBM-types) have a yellowish/tannish tint to their exhaust. It’s the nature of the materials used to manufacture them.

All of them are basically some combination of polymer resin, powdered aluminum and nitroglycerin (in various forms) so there’s no way to tell who any of them belong to without chemical analysis.

My first thought when I read the original story was that the missile came from a boomer conducting tests/evaluations or a pre-deployment workup, and that the missile was an emergency launch to prevent catastrophic failure in the launch tube. In other words, something happened or was happening to the missile that would, in short order, cause a failure that might well endanger the vessel and crew. Like a hot-running torpedo in a tube, you eject it, launch it, with full safeties and no targeting data.

By treaty, all of our SLBMs are currently targeted to patches of empty ocean. It takes but a very short time to retarget them to other coordinates, but this way, if launched they would fall harmlessly into empty ocean. It’s another part of the fail-safe chain, though not an intentional party. It’s a result of treaties with the Soviets and now Russians.

Regardless, that’s what I believe happened, and someone doesn’t want to talk about it until all of their ducks are in order, and everyone has their stories straight.


Bill Cook

Are we to believe that a Chinese diesel boat (does China have a nuke boat?) cruised all the way to the west coast of the US undetected by our US Navy. I know they are pretty quiet when running on batteries, but they need to be recharged sometime on a multi-thousand mile cruise. I would like to think that our subs can hear diesel engines on our supposedly highly advanced sonar gear.

But, maybe they (the Chinese) do have those kind of batteries and maybe then they will make that “green” auto I have heard so much about.

SSG Medzyk

AW1Tim…really? You honestly know what a missile trail looks like?

After witnessing thousands of launches from Vandenberg AFB over my long life, I can guarantee this is no missile trail that passed through dozens of atmospheric variances and wind conditions. Not to mention that ONLY from the rear, can you see the engine burn(which means it could not be headed inland), and they certainly do not flutter and flame like a candle or a sci-fi fantasy.

Living on the lovely California coast, I have also witnessed tens of thousands of flights inbound from Hawaii, South-East Asia and Australia. All aircraft that produced a contrail in the very late afternoon setting sun……….look just like this one, as the trail is disturbed by a single atmospheric condition at a single altitude, and lit from below by the setting sun reflecting off its polished belly….flickering due to air movements.

It was a plane, large commercial, one each.


Did anyone notice that the reporter said they recorded this event for a total of 20 minutes.

That being the case I find it hard to believe that it was a missle traveling slowly enough to be recorded for such a long period of time.


Ya know, I wouldn’t be adverse to the Chinese cruising our coastline with one of their subs — if we could just talk them into taking Gordon Duff with them when they left…

Dave Thul

I always love the tinfoil hat types that change the color of the sky to fit the ‘facts’ they are pushing today. If our military is so incompetent that they allowed a Chinese sub to launch off the California coast, how can they have covered up the death of Bin Laden for 9 years? Are we incompetent or are we magicians?

As for the vapor trail, it was a rocket loaded with VX gas and it came from Alcatraz Prison, where an elite team of renegade Marines are holding 81 American civilians hostage. But don’t worry, Sean Connery and Nick Cage will be taking care of them any minute now.

AW1 Tim

I stand by my statements. I, too, watch many, many flights every single day pass overhead. they are the heavy commercial traffic headed outbound from NY/Boston to Europe and back. They transit right overhead at 35+ thousand feet.

Unless you have a different atmosphere than I do, you can EASILY pick out twin contrails from EACH aircraft, and sometimes 4 for the 747’s. They don’t merge into a single contrail until many miles behind the aircraft. This footage shown has one single contrail. There is NO commercial aircraft that does that. Not. One. Single. Commercial. Jet.

The aircraft I watch at altitude are also many miles off, but still those pesky multi-contrails are present, yet somehow this “special” airliner doesn’t have to follow the same laws of physics?

Nope. Don’t buy it for a minute. Again, I stand by my comments.


The evidence seems fairly conclusive for a jet contrail. Infamous Contrail (aka the ‘Mystery Missile’) Spotted in Satellite Image By SPACE.com Staff posted: 16 November 2010 05:36 pm ET When an impressive contrail was spotted off the California coast last week, it sparked widespread reports of a mystery missile launch in the area – a theory the Pentagon squashed after initial investigations. But, the odd contrail fooled more than the public and media, and was even seen from space. After watching footage of the Nov. 8 contrail, Patrick Minnis, a contrail expert in the Science Directorate at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., assumed it came from a missile, as many others did. He even said so in response to a phone call from a reporter. [7 Things That Make Great Space Hoaxes] “She responded with links to two different blogs that compared it to older aircraft contrail pictures, and indicated that the blog authors thought it was an aircraft contrail,” Minnis said of the reporter. “I had not really thought about that aspect previously and, at first glance, the video showed what looked like a missile launch. Once the idea that it was an aircraft contrail entered my head, I had to pay closer attention, because aircraft contrails are part of my job description.” Later, he learned that fellow NASA scientist Doug Spangenberg had pieced together a photo of the mystery contrail from space after sifting through weather satellite images. Missile vs. contrail Minnis typically studies contrails in order to determine their effect on Earth’s climate. He and other scientists have discovered that airplane contrails create cirrus clouds on days they wouldn’t usually exist. According to his calculations, the cirrus-cloud cover over the United States is increasing by 1 percent each decade as a result, effectively contributing to global warming by blocking the release of heat from the planet. Minnis used that experience to examine the California contrail, which had been seen near Catalina Island, off the coast of Los Angeles. “It appeared to be between two high clouds, one in foreground and one in the background,” Minnis… Read more »


Jacobite, what you posted sounds plausible, but didn’t the intial reports say that no flights in the area corresponded with the time frame of the sighting? Wouldn’t air traffic controllers in the area have been able to correlate the appearance of the contrail with an aircraft within range of their radar?


Actually flight AWE808 has been confirmed, and the original blogger that did the comparisons and analysis, backed up his theory by matching photos of the event with older photos of the same stretch of sky with practically overlapping contrail signatures from the same regular flight. While he hasn’t taken up to date photos yet, he’s challenged people to come out and watch for the flight themselves. I judge from the tone of his writing that he’s a little amused with the over excitement the whole thing has caused.


The site I provided (not the original blog I read concerning this)says the flight in question is UPS902, and there is corresponding flight radar data as well.


That site was facinating, Jacobite! Thanks for the link!


Who is this Duff guy, and why doesn’t he just say what he means? I mean, the cryptic way he writes leaves me wondering what he really means…

SSG David Medzyk

“…they are the heavy commercial traffic headed outbound from NY/Boston to Europe and back. They transit right overhead at 35+ thousand feet.”

Straight up contrails, look nothing like like contrails 35 miles out to sea above a spectacularly blazing sunset as the aircraft transits towards you.

This was a 757, whose two engines are beneath and close in to the fuselage. Aerodynamics force airflow inward and to the rear, this also drags the engine exhaust to the center of the air path, combining into a larger, but mostly singular contrail.

And yes, we have a different and much warmer atmosphere over the Pacific than you do over the Atlantic.


The more experts from every field of expertise to ever be expertised, certified, qualified and circumcised… the more it reminds me of the global warming “issue”.

The simplest explanation tends to be the correct one.
The loudest argument (regardless of the facts) tends to be believed.
Government will never tell the truth, unless there is a profit in it.

It’s a plane. The FAA could have verified it within minutes, but left the media to fester the issue with the wide-eyed public for days with wild speculations in order to avoid talking about how our president was getting a black eye at yet another world leadership summit.

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