Iraq vet steps up for step-grandfather

| November 15, 2010

BooRadley sends this story from her hometown about an Iraq veteran who donated his kidney to his step-grandfather;

“My daughter was going to be a donor and went through all the tests, but they said she was a bad candidate,” the 62-year-old Jackson said. “Actually, I really stopped looking. I was just going to wait and see because I was on the transplant list. I wasn’t going to ask anybody else.”

Without Jackson knowing, Foor thought he would be tested and learned he would be a good match. Otherwise, Jackson would have continued with home dialysis and waited an estimated five years on the transplant list for a match.

Category: Real Soldiers

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Old Trooper

Linky…..we need linky to the story.


My sister died waiting for a liver. I glad that this worked out for Mr. Jackson. Very well done Ryan Foor.