Karzai calls for end to ninja zombie strikes

| November 15, 2010

I guess Afghanistan president Karzai is in the pocket of the Taliban these days because he’s call for the US to end the tempo of attacks on Taliban forces in the South and he’s asking the US to end especially effective Special Forces night assaults. General Petraeus is not pleased according to the Washington Post;

In a meeting Sunday morning with Ashraf Ghani, who leads the Afghan government’s planning on transition, Petraeus made what several officials described as “hypothetical” references to an inability to continue U.S. operations in the face of Karzai’s remarks.

The night raids are at the heart of Petraeus’s counterinsurgency strategy and are key to his hopes of being able to show significant progress when the White House reviews the situation in Afghanistan next month.

Officials discounted early reports Sunday that Petraeus had threatened to resign. But “for [Karzai] to go this way, and at that particular stage, is really undermining [Petraeus’s] endeavors,” one foreign diplomat in Kabul said. “Not only his personally, but the international community.”

Of course, anyone with half a brain can see Ambassador and international dick, Karl Eikenberry’s finger prints all over this since he’s been pushing for Karzai to have “peace talks” with the Taliban since the dribble of US forces have been trickling into Afghanistan since last Spring.

My guess is that the Taliban made those demands to get US pressure off of them as precursors to peace negotiations and Karzai and Eikenberry are only too happy to comply.

Now, some cue the US embassy chic who always jumps in here to refute any speculation about Eikenberry.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Old Trooper

Something tells me that our missions are effective, otherwise the goat shaggers wouldn’t want Karzai to call us off. If it were up to me, I would turn up the heat that much more and go for the unconditional surrender, or at least make them combat ineffective, so that it will take centuries before they can mount another attack.

But, we don’t believe in vanquishing our enemies, anymore, we give them a seat at the table and ask them what the terms of our surrender should be. Then we give them all sorts of money (that we don’t have) and let them return to their barbaric ways. Karzai will last about a week, if he allows the taliban back into the fold. Then, it will be back to same ‘ol-same ‘ol pre-9/11 Afghanistan.

I don’t know which is worse, Karzai, or the limp wrists in our own State Dept.


I can’t blame Karzai for his outbursts. This Administration can’t even get straight whether the Retreat from Afghanistan begins in July 2011 or not: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2010/11/political-doublespeak-on-july-2011-retreat.html

Karzai thought it frustrating that US and Europeans had conflicting demands. Imagine how much more frustrating it is when Gates, Hillary, and Holbrooke tell him conflicting things?


Viet-Nam all over again. The North wouldn’t come to the Table until we agreed to stop bombing,when we did,they re-armed and re-grouped their forces. Now, we have to stop one of the most successful programs,for killing and demoralizing the Taliban leadership and that corrupt bastard wants to halt it, so he can play nice. We need to open up a big ol’case of FUCK YOU ,set it up on Karzai’s door on our way out of that shithole. And if any attacks occur afterwords we send Predators, Tomahawks,B-52’s and B-1’s,with our Troops here,and let HIM deal with it.