Obama seeks counsel of Rice

| October 15, 2010

The Associated Press reveals that the president huddles with former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice;

A White House official said Miss Rice and Mr. Obama have a “cordial relationship,” and the president looks forward to Friday’s meeting covering “a range of foreign policy topics.” The official isn’t authorized to speak publicly and insisted on anonymity.

Must’ve been tired of listening to the same old crap from his foreign policy advisors, and tired of a string of foreign policy failures. This must really grate on those far left whiners who demonized Rice for eight years.

From the Washington Post;

TV host Jon Stewart [asked Rice] what she would be doing differently if she were in office, Rice declined to second-guess.

“I am not going to chirp at the people inside,” Rice said during Wednesday’s appearance on Stewart’s “Daily Show.” “I know that it’s a lot easier out here than it is in there, and these are patriotic people who are trying to do their best every day. They don’t need me chirping at them. I think that things are not easy. This is a really tough time for the United States, a tough time for our world, but people are doing their best.”

Now if only the Obama Administration would return the favor to the Bush Administration.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy

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Chuck Z

“Ms. Rice, What do you think we should do about our foreign policy?”
“Hmmm… I’d say you have a choice to make. You can either go fark yourselves, or suck my ass. Either way, you wanted the Job, and put Hillary in charge. Maybe you should stop sending that shriveled skank abroad, stop bowing to every tin-pot dictator, stop giving gifts that you find in the “free with purchase” bin, stop sending back gifts that actually have meaning to the countries that gave them, stop offending countries that have been our staunches allies since the war of 1812 ended, and fix the damn economy. If our economy works, theirs might too.”

“Yes, we know all that. What we want to know is how can we look like we’re not screwing up everything, without actually doing anything? We aren’t looking for substance, just style. That’s how we roll. You have to think back to when you worked under Clinton.”

“Oh, then that’s easy. Every time the President gets caught with his dick in an intern, or in this President’s case, every time he signs legislation or appoints a czar, or any time the veep speaks in public, send a division or two to some nothing country for Peacekeeping.”

“Uh, we can’t do that… we are too busy in Afghanistan and Iraq, trying to quit the wars there.”

“Oh, there’s always Bill’s backup plan of launching hundreds of cruise missiles at empty “Training sites” in foreign countries. Didn’t you all pay any attention to the 8 years he was in office?”

“Uh, no ma’am. We were in High School, and the President was busy organizing communities in Chicago, and the Veep was working on his Pennsylvania accent and plagiarizing speeches.”

“Jesus H. Christ. I’m going home. Maybe Powell can help you. He’s big on quitting when the going gets rough.”

“Yes, we called him. He said something about Kryptonite and hung up.”


ROFLMAO Chuck!! Good stuff! 🙂


I am in awe. That should be copyrighted before someone steals it, Chuck.


Okay, so today I am at the office, and Chuck has made me look like I a crazy. I am luaghing so hard, and crying because of it…I guess that’s what happens when you have a tax deadling and you own a business. You get a little slap happy…


and you can’t spell when you’re laughing.

Michael in MI

“This must really grate on those far left whiners who demonized Rice for eight years.”

Yeah, didn’t they make plenty of cartoons of her as “Booooosh’s parrot”? Why, yes, yes they did.


I’m sure the conversation will be most interesting.
I wonder how much of what Ms. Rice has to say will actually be heard?


[…] White House officials aren’t releasing details of the meeting yet, but I came across a secret transcript of the meeting minutes through Chuck Z: “Ms. Rice, What do you think we should do about our foreign policy?” […]


Chuck–I’d be laughing my ass off if it weren’t so damn true. Funny how the left loves to nitpick at GOP presidents and administrations, yet when Obama has stuck his dick in the fan, we’ve heard nothing from either President Bush on the issue.

Maybe it’s this little thing called “class”. Where you at, Joe? I know you want to swoop-and-poop on this one, m’boy.


Oh man. Obama must be really desperate. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result….”


Chuck, if I believed in them, you’d be my idol!

Old Tanker

Same thing Joe? Ya, just half a surge instead of what was asked for….that’s what happened before… Look up class in the dictionary, you’ll see Condi’s picture there…


Hey Joe!
“Oh man. Obama must be really desperate. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result….”

Hey Joey! How’s that Hope and Change thang working for you now?