Judge: WI’s CCW ban is unconstitutional

| October 15, 2010

For those of you in Wisconsin who miss your right to carry a concealed firearm may get some justice if Jon Counsell, a Clark County judge has a say (Wisconsin Radio Network link);

“The government has to have a compelling state interest to do so (restrict the right to carry) and they have to have the least restrictive means of doing that,” said Poss. “Public safety obviously is a state interest, but there’s all kinds of ways to do that in this regard.” In his decision, Counsell states the law forces citizens to “go unarmed (thus not able to act in self defense), violate the law or carry openly,” but notes displaying weapon’s openly isn’t a “realistic alternative.”

From WEAU.com, this from the defendant’s lawyer;

“Like many of my counterparts, I believe strongly in the Constitution. And as Ronald Reagan once said ‘it’s not a buffet.’ The Bill of Rights is not a buffet where you can pick and choose, where some people say they want the First Amendment applied to everyone, but somehow they jump over the Second Amendment,” [assistant state public defender, Bill] Poss says.

The Left has chipped away at our rights over the last seventy years, and now we can use their same tactics to chip away at their legislation.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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I’m counting the days till “shall issue” takes effect in my state (Jan 1). Those with DD-214s are exempt from the qualification requirement,


Who’d a thought? A judge with common sense? And in the state of Wisconsin?

Virtual Insanity

That’s great!

When will the fight start over allowing CCW on military installations, then?

Why are we just fighting against states that don’t recognize the Second Amendment, when the feds trample it, too? Why can’t a soldier, with significantly more training and discipline than most people who get a CCW in most states, carry on camps, posts, and bases?

How about an OLD soldier like me, who works on a military installation? I have a state-issued CCW, and 24 years’ experience in the military, qualified expert on just about every weapon. But I have to wait for a 19-year-old MP to come save me if there’s a shooter on post? Really?


Wonderful! Now there’s the last bastion of leftist BS to get through…Illinois. I believe that once WI gets CCW, IL will be become the last state to restrict the 2nd Amendment. Am I right? Anyone think some legal eagle with big cajones will take on the left-leaning courts of Lincoln Land anytime soon?


NRA is working on most of the gun bans and restrictions; that being said, their magazines indicate it’s still a legal tennis match. Stay tuned!


NRA has done shit for Georgia. Not to mention, they were late comers to Heller and they hijacked the plaintiff’s oral argument in McDonald. They’re the best national Second Amendment organization around, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re “working on most of the gun bans and restrictions.” In the recent past they have a track record of sitting on the sidelines protecting the organization’s interests rather than those of gun owners.


I live in this wonderful state full of Libtards and I have my doubts this will happen.
Hell they ticketed five guys in Madison for open carry while eating at a Culvers restaurant both of which are legal in Wisconsin…

But we can always hope..

Old Trooper

Sorry, Pinto, but I let my NRA membership expire because they are endorsing pretty much every democrat on the planet, including Pelosi and Boxer. I’m taking my money to Gun Owners of America instead.