Thursday with Claymore

| September 30, 2010

I’ve been neglecting poor Claymore lately. I guess it’s that smell of the DUmpsters;

First up, from the “Delta is ready when you are, bitch.” file:

Don’t ask….

Crazy train.

You keep using that word….

They want to kill puppies and make grannies eat cat food to. I read that on the internet.

But don’t say they’re commies…

Moral equivocation…it’s not just for breakfast anymore:

Time for a restraining order?

Holy Crist.

I got the blues…

…she got the blues.

…and this just blows.

Scary guns and stuff….vote for Democrats. Thanks.

Category: Liberals suck

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The dilhole that wrote the article on militias is really stretching for a story. To top it off; he quotes our favorite douchenozzle Potok.

AW1 Tim

I can’t click on those links anymore. Everytime I go there, I can actually feel brain cells dying as I try and wade through the crap in those articles.


Tim…I kno what yous are sayin…Me need something to boos me inte…ledgence.


Aw c’mon guys…didn’t reading some of that really give you a self esteem boost? I mean seriously, that entire site is full retard.

Old Trooper

Claymore; their tinfoil hats are falling off.


My only question, well not really the only one, is who reads this shit to the morons who post there? I mean, like Tim said, if rational, intelligent people lose brain cells every time they read that crap, those “folks” have to have been brain dead since Algore invented the inter-tubes.