All Hail COB6
Republican Ron Johnson now leads incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold by 12 points in Wisconsin’s race for the U.S. Senate.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Johnson picking up 54% support, while Feingold, who is running for his fourth term in the Senate, gets 42% of the vote with leaners included. Two percent (2%) prefer some other candidate, and two percent (2%) more are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
The latest numbers move this race to Leans Republican from a Toss-Up in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Balance of Power rankings.
Two weeks ago, Johnson held a 51% to 44% lead including leaners just after his decisive win in the GOP primary. The latest numbers signal a continuing deterioration in Feingold’s support after it held steady at 46% in surveys from May through August. Support for Johnson ranged from 44% to 48% in the same period but has been just as gradually increasing in recent weeks
Category: Politics
I like good news, but your title approaches the kinky.
I heard Dick Morris call it a sure thing yesterday…hey COB6, can you get rid of Stabenow and Levin for us over hear in Michigan??
COB, beers here in Wisconsin once it’s done.
We’re not worthy…we’re not worthy…
Tanker, we’re stuck with those two douchenozzles. Stabenow is counting on the O’s coat tails to get her re-elected, and people’s short memories. She was all for ObamaCare, now she doesn’t mention it, at all. As for Levin, we can only hope that he retires in 4.
Before I say anything else, I have to say that I used to vote for Feingold. Before he went off the rails about the military/national security, I liked his politics.
And I honestly still believe that he will prevail in WI for the simple fact that name recognition combined with voter laziness will keep him on top once it is time to complete the little black arrow on our ballots in November.
That all being said, he’s an f’ing idiot: