Blogger Bloggers frozen by Google

| July 15, 2008

Fox News reports that some bloggers on the Google  “Blogger” have been frozen out of traffic;

 Some bloggers opposed to Barack Obama say they suspect Obama’s supporters — with the assistance of Google — may have tried to censor them when the Internet giant froze their Web sites for five days last month.

Seven blogs run by Democrats who oppose Obama’s nomination for the presidency were incorrectly flagged as spam sites by Blogger, the hosting service Google has owned since 2003. Google says it was an automated response from a spam filter.

But the bloggers believe that Web surfers who support Obama took advantage of a loophole in Blogger’s system that allows readers to report spam blogs, the artificial Web sites that abound on the Internet and are used to promote other sites.

“It appears that [Blogger’s] policy can be manipulated by people determined to shut down the free exchange of ideas,” said Carissa Snedeker, whose blog, BlueLyon, was among those that were frozen.

Here’s some advice; leave Blogger.

A month or so ago, TSO and I were out trying match Matt Burden from Blackfive beer-for-beer, unsuccessfully, I might add. TSO asked Matt his secret for getting so much traffic. Burden told him “I left Blogger”.  News you can use.

Category: Bloggers, Politics

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Jonn…an interesting tidbit. I read over at TH that Obama’s website has been purged of negative info about his flips on the surge…I know you have captured screenshots of Kokesh’s crappola, but maybe, I thought I’d check…Have ou been there at Ovomit’s site?


That’s an odd leap??

I do suspect that content quality has just a bit to do with Matt’s traffic level. [grin]


I vaguely remember that I met him, but any conversation is lost into the inebriationosphere.


any suggestions on where to post blogs other then blogger and how to get old posts to appear there?

Jonn wrote;
I only know WordPress, but I do know that when I started my other blog, I took some of my old posts with me and it was easy. There was an Import/Export option on WordPress. I don’t know about Blogger, but it seems they’d have a export option. Blogs at WordPress are free, too. This blog is a WordPress blog but I use Yahoo’s servers for a fee.


Thanks John


Google needs to take responsibility for censoring these blogs by publicly apologizing and pledge to never censor content again…force them to change or else we will blog on non-Google platforms: