EO oil ban lifted

| July 14, 2008

The President lifted the off-shore oil drilling his father put in place in 1990 according to Reuters;

President George W. Bush on Monday lifted a White House ban on offshore drilling to try to drive down soaring energy prices, a largely symbolic bid unlikely to have any short-term impact on high gasoline costs.

Yeah, largely symbolic…because the Democrats wouldn’t throw the American people any real relief from the high cost of gasoline if their lives depended on it.

High gasoline prices and soaring food prices have irked American consumers in a presidential election year, when Bush’s Republicans are trying to keep the White House and wrest control of Congress back from Democrats.

“Today, I’ve taken every step within my power to allow offshore exploration,” Bush told reporters. “This means the only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the U.S. Congress.”

The President tried to act seven years ago, but between the quaking RINOs and the Democrats, Congress couldn’t find the guts to make a decision besides throw money at that still undiscovered magic alternate energy source that doesn’t send enviro-whackos into hyperspace. Three years ago, the President also allowed oil development companies to do some exploration in ANWR. He’s done all he can do. It’s up to those weak-kneed politicians in Congress.

House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Bush’s plan a “hoax,” joining a chorus of condemnations from environmental groups. The business-friendly U.S. Chamber of Commerce hailed the move as a step toward alleviating high gasoline prices.

A “hoax” is what the Democrats have foisted on the American public for the last thirty years calling for an energy policy and doing nothing.

Democratic White House hopeful Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign also criticized Bush’s move. “It would merely prolong the failed energy policies we have seen from Washington for 30 years,” spokesman Bill Burton said.

The failed energy policies of the last thirty years – ya mean that we haven’t developed any new sources or built any refineries for thirty years? Is that the failed policy you’re talking about, doofus?

Yeah, ya’all go ahead and sit out the next election, or vote for someone who’ll never get near the White House to make your stupid point and we’ll get more ignorant crap like this inflicted on us. I’ve lived in third world countries before…it’s not much fun, trust me.

More and better commentary from Baldilocks.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Politics

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Hoax my ass… Pelosi recently called for some pumping from the Strategic Reserve to lower gas prices.

Transparent hogwash! Drilling for oil is a hoax, getting some from our stash is an energy policy.


Of course. Anything the Dems do is “Policy” or “progressive” and anything the Republicans do is either “illegal” or a “hoax”. Don’t you watch network news and listen to the great talking heads?


Congress could care less what the price of gas is.


Leased Cargate: It appears that the REAL reason that our hard-working drones in Congress don’t give a fat baby’s butt about the price WE pay for gas is because THEY passed legislation allowing THEM to lease any car they want and pass the gas, maintenance, and insurance costs to us. How nice. Apparently, this program was NOT included in that “swamp of corruption” that Red Nanny Pee-Lousy was going to drain.


Imagine if we just let the Democrats and liberals have their way with everything…just completely roll over and have no part. Just how long do you think it would take them to put us back into the Stone Age? Who is John Galt?


Its all about buisness. The oil giants (which will be Bush’s bread and butter once he leaves the W/House) know that oil will not last forever and that is becoming more apparent. So they hike the cost of the product and make greater profits while they still have the stuff to sell. If it has a negative chain effect on the common mans quality of life then thats just hard luck.