It’s Sept. 10th, 2001 again

| July 14, 2008

We all remember where we were on September 11th, 2001, we remember seeing the towers collapse. Some of us forget that the world and history didn’t begin on that day and at that moment. But here to remind us is the Washington Post which has decided to regale us with the Chandra Levy murder story.

If you shake those pre-9/11 cobwebs from your head, you might remember that the news channels were saturated with the latest photos of then-Congressman Gary Condit or various members of his family and their doings on any given day.  In fact I remember my second or third thought  after seeing the cloud of smoke roiling from the Pentagon while I stood in our conference room window facing west was of how thankful Condit would be that the media would forget about his affair and the speculation of his involvement in Levy’s disappearance.

So the Washington Post has decided that the war against terror is over and they want to change the subject and distract their audience from real campaign issues by turning the clock back to the day before Mohammed Atta and his posse struck us. After all, if we keep thinking about the war against terror, we might find weaknesses in the Post’s chosen candidate.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Historical, Media, Politics, Terror War

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Actually, I’d argue, as you do by your memory recall, that this reminds people of 9/11 more than it makes them forget. At least people around this area.