COB’s Mysterious Absence

| July 12, 2008


I am going to be in a non-disclosed location for the next few days because I am seriously considering buying this small piece of desert property. Okay, not actually buying it but probably leaving some cash there.

My most valued advisor the LBBTTB has suggested no laptop. This will be tough for me but I am up to the challenge.

I should be back NLT Wednesday. I know that nobody cares but it’s information none the less.

Category: Politics

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Dude, this is the best blog I’ve ever read. You guys are brilliant. My blog, on the other hand is wormy POS which I update about once every two months, so I don’t have room to criticize anyone else’s. (OK, maybe abe didn’t write this, but this what he would have written if he had a brain. Trolls don’t win on this blog, abe.- Jonn)

COB6 Wrote: Seriously Abe? So among the only ones who visit this blog (moonbats, lunatics, dopes, and anal rape enjoyers) I think it’s clear where you stand (or bend as it were). Get some help dude; just because it fits doesn’t make it right.


So does Mama need a new pair of shoes? Rub the die together, and give a whoosh…toss. I suck at gambling. But, more power to you if you enjoy it.