It’s getting crowded under that bus

| July 13, 2008

Barak Obama threw one of the Kings of Comedy under the bus Friday night according to the United Press International. Bernie Mac made some off-color jokes during an Obama fund raiser (that’s kind of what Bernie Mac does for a living, isn’t it?) and the crowd booed and heckled him a bit. Then Obama chastized him;

“Senator Obama told Bernie Mac that he doesn’t condone these statements and believes what was said was inappropriate,” the campaign team said.

Obama thanked the comedian for the introduction, but later offered a mixed response to the questionable material.

“That means, by the way, Bernie, you got to clean up your act,” Obama said after calling for increased equality. “This is a family affair. … I’m just messing with you, man.”

Jeez, Obama picked Bernie Mac to perform, and that’s the kind of material Bernie uses in his act. If there’s any act that needs cleaning up, it’s Barack for his poor judgment. And then he tries having it both ways with his “I’m just messing with you, man” schtick.

I’d be real reticent about accepting a job in the Obama Administration – he’s going to leave a lot of corpses behind him if his campaign is any indication of how he’ll treat his cabinet.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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I love Bernie Mac. But you have captured my first thought….why is Obama surprised?

As to the woman who was allegedly offended….look in a mirror. If that joke bothers you……..

richard wheeler

Jonn Not to worry .Pretty sure Obama doesn’t have you on any short lists for jobs in his admin.By the way its pretty crowded under the “Straight Talk Express” with a myriad of former campaign chairmen,advisors,preachers,supporters you name it.I honestly see no path to Presidency for Mac.Down 9%,trailing in Ohio,Virginia,and Colorado, his campaign in disarray and Barack on cruise control.


Didn’t MCain fire his campaign manager recently? McCain even throws his own wife under the bus and drops the “c”-word on her. Throwing people under the bus is not unique to Obama.


This had to be pre-arranged so Obama could have his “Sister Soulja” moment. I don’t believe anything this cat says or does isn’t a scripted bit.

richard wheeler

Martino How bout the Jesse Jackson flap as a “Sister Soulja” moment.Mac is floundering,flip flopping,stuggling to find support(only 37% of his own support rated as “strong”)talking today to La Reza in San Diego though down 25% in Latin vote to Obama.I think beating Clintons was a lot tougher than beating Mac.


Nice try, rw – the media is filled with stories chronicling Obama’s shiftiness (NFTA, FISA, Iraq, etc.) – this radical Leftist knows he’s dead meat if he presents himself in an honest manner, hence the incessant flip-flopping towards the political center and the whining of the Moonbats who feel like they’ve been jilted at the altar (don’t worry – he’ll be back). While Barry’s not going to lose his lunatic Leftist fringe base, the Clintonistas present an entirely different problem for Obama – if BO doesn’t stop the defections into the McCain camp, he’s toast in November.

It’s been fun watching Barry’s campaign continue to self-destruct a la Michael Dukakis. I can’t figure out who’s funnier – Barack Obama or Bernie Mac.

More popcorn!

richard wheeler

Mike Keep hopeing and dreaming and absolutely deluding yourself.It’s all you got.Obama’s up and he ain’t looking back at ol John.p.s. I noticed you’ve adopted Gramms “whining”; nice touch.I’ve also noted your fiery rhetoric has you sounding like a right wing nut case rather than a Mac moderate.Which are you?


You’re whistling Dixie, rw.
Newsweek reports that Obama’s lead has shrunk from 15 percentage points down to 3 (which is probably within their +/- margin of error), and Rasmussen has the race in a statistical dead-heat. I knew Barry’s campaign would self-destruct, but even I am surprised to see his lead evaporate by mid-July. That’s even worse than Dukakis’ free-fall in 1988.

richard wheeler

Mike I’ll leave that $100 wager open for you.With all the lobbyist monies Mac’s taking he no longer needs yours.Obama is as much like Dukakis as Mac is like Reagan.